Synthetic traffic matrix generator based on two publications from SIGCOMM CCR:
- A. Nucci, A. Sridharan, and N. Taft. The problem of synthetically generating IP traffic matrices;
- M. Roughan. Simplifying the synthesis of internet traffic matrices.
Run the following two commands:
docker build -t tm-generator .
docker run -it tm-generator example_template.yml - 0 1 > output_file.yml
You will need to install a few Python dependencies:
sudo apt install -y python-tk
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to use the GLPK solver, you'll also need to install it:
sudo apt install -y glpk-utils
To generate attacks from all nodes to a single target:
./ --max-node-class 1 template.yml output_file.yml 0 1
To generate attacks from a single node to 3 targets:
./ --max-node-class 1 template.yml output_file.yml 1 3
To limit the network to only the largest nodes (first class of nodes only):
./ --max-node-class 1 template.yml output_file.yml 0 1
To define a different maximum link capacity (defaults to 100 Gbps):
./ --max-link-capacity 20000 template.yml output_file.yml 0 1
To define a different mean attack load (defaults to 10 Gbps):
./ --max-link-capacity 500000 template.yml output_file.yml 1 1
This project is licensed under the Apache License v2.0.