Boson Project is a collection of tooling that enables developers to create and run Functions on Kubernetes as a Knative service. Boson exposes Function templates capable of responding to CloudEvents produced by Knative Eventing, or simple HTTP functions.
This repository is a directory of information and resources for the project.
To get started using Boson Functions follow the step by step tutorial. For OpenShift Serverless Functions Test Day, please follow the Test Day Guide.
If you encounter a bug, usability issue, or have other feedback to provide, please feel free to create an issue.
The major components of the Boson Project are:
- Function runtime templates for Go, Node.js and Quarkus. The runtime is responsible for managing incoming CloudEvents or HTTP connections, and invoking the user function.
- Buildpacks for Go, Node.js and Quarkus. The buildpacks are based on the CNCF Buildpack specification and automate the process of converting a user's function from source code into a runnable OCI image.
- A CLI for initializing, creating and
deploying functions as a Knative Service. The CLI may be run standalone in
vanilla Kubernetes environments, and it is also available as a compiled plugin
in the OpenShift Serverless Functions product. - A Kubernetes cluster with Knative Serving and Eventing installed
If you don't already have an OpenShift cluster with Serverless installed, or a Kubernetes cluster with Knative Serving and Eventing, you can follow our Getting Started with Kubernetes Guide to provision a cluster for function deployment. Or for a quick and easy set up, follow our instructions for setting up a kind cluster on your local system.
Boson Project are project from Red Hat that creates Functions based on Knative.