App for Android that helps to import SMS, that was backuped by PC Companion powered by Sony.
The main problem that this app is solving is: when you have backup with you data made by PC Companion, and then you downgrade you android. PC Companion wouldn't restore backup. As for I had Android 5 and wanted to downgrade to 4.4. I have made backup, migrated to 4.4 and tryed to restore backup. But PC Companion didn't do it. As i understand the problem of different structure of sms/mms database. That is why I'm trying to make some app that help to import your sms/mms data.
- Copy mmssms.db to the phone
- Lauch Importer app
- Select db by pressing Import button
- Press Strart Button
- Wait until import will be done.
P.S How extract mmssms.db from PC Companion backup you can see [here] (
P.P.S Download apk you can [here] (