Dashboard is resposible about monitor the Oppurtunities and do a CRUD operations, and it can run the Crawler workflow
All the jobs that has been crawled inserted to CrawledJob table, any modifictation on these data happens on this table, after pushing these data the inserted into two tables one for presistensy (ArchivedJob) and the other for the main table (Job)
Contributions are always welcome!
See the setup below for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this orgs code of conduct
Fork the project
then clone your Fork
git clone https://link-you-your fork
Install dependencies
npm ci
setup the database - we are using mysql with prisma orm
docker-compose up
this is will run a container that has MySQL db on localhost:3306 with USERNAME: admin Password: Password
Create your env
your connection string will be mysql://admin:password@localhost:3306/db
Generate the Schema
npm run gen
to push your schema into the database
npx prisma db push
This will add seeds jobs to your Crawled job Table
npx prisma db seed
Start the Server
npm run dev
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Yes, you can get a mysql database from any source you would like
we recommend PlantScale as it has a free tier that suits the development