I have an LG washing machine F4WV709P1E.ABWQWDG
with a ThinQ integration. The cloud integration was never used and I'm trying to figure out as much as I can and if possible make it work without letting the machine talk to the cloud.
A few days later I've found https://github.com/anszom/rethink ...
There is a hotspot named LG_*_ABCD
the last four digits are the wifi password in the form ABCDABCD
Something listens on
I've setup an additional VLAN with it's own SSID and a VM with dnsmasq & mitmproxy. Thus I can control the DNS responses and force all traffic from the device through mitmproxy.
The first request was only send once - all other setup tries skipped the first request. All reset procedures I could find did not help. Looks like the device is tied to a region domain after the initial pairing - even if it failed. But it looks like the device is shipped with the domain common.lgthinq.com
and updates its hostname via the /route
endpoint. Future updates then need to happen at the now known domain.
- https://common.lgthinq.com/route
GET https://common.lgthinq.com/route User-Agent: IOE Client x-service-code: SVC202 x-service-phase: OP x-country-code: DE { "result": { "apiServer": "https://eic-common.lgthinq.com:443", "mqttServer": "ssl://a3phael99lf879.iot.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com:8883" }, "resultCode": "0000" }
- It looks like there are other request, which fail due to certificate pinning
- https://eic-common.lgthinq.com/route/certificate
GET https://eic-common.lgthinq.com/route/certificate User-Agent: IOE Client { "result": [ "common-server", "aws-iot" ], "resultCode": "0000" }
- https://eic-common.lgthinq.com/route/certificate?name=common-server
GET https://eic-common.lgthinq.com/route/certificate?name=common-server User-Agent: IOE Client { "result": { "certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n MIIEMjCCAxqgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADB7MQswCQYDVQQGEwJHQjEb\n MBkGA1UECAwSR3JlYXRlciBNYW5jaGVzdGVyMRAwDgYDVQQHDAdTYWxmb3JkMRow\n GAYDVQQKDBFDb21vZG8gQ0EgTGltaXRlZDEhMB8GA1UEAwwYQUFBIENlcnRpZmlj\n YXRlIFNlcnZpY2VzMB4XDTA0MDEwMTAwMDAwMFoXDTI4MTIzMTIzNTk1OVowezEL\n MAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxGzAZBgNVBAgMEkdyZWF0ZXIgTWFuY2hlc3RlcjEQMA4GA1UE\n BwwHU2FsZm9yZDEaMBgGA1UECgwRQ29tb2RvIENBIExpbWl0ZWQxITAfBgNVBAMM\n GEFBQSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBTZXJ2aWNlczCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEP\n ADCCAQoCggEBAL5AnfRu4ep2hxxNRUSOvkbIgwadwSr+GB+O5AL686tdUIoWMQua\n BtDFcCLNSS1UY8y2bmhGC1Pqy0wkwLxyTurxFa70VJoSCsN6sjNg4tqJVfMiWPPe\n 3M/vg4aijJRPn2jymJBGhCfHdr/jzDUsi14HZGWCwEiwqJH5YZ92IFCokcdmtet4\n YgNW8IoaE+oxox6gmf049vYnMlhvB/VruPsUK6+3qszWY19zjNoFmag4qMsXeDZR\n rOme9Hg6jc8P2ULimAyrL58OAd7vn5lJ8S3frHRNG5i1R8XlKdH5kBjHYpy+g8cm\n ez6KJcfA3Z3mNWgQIJ2P2N7Sw4ScDV7oL8kCAwEAAaOBwDCBvTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU\n oBEKIz6W8Qfs4q8p74Klf9AwpLQwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgEGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQF\n MAMBAf8wewYDVR0fBHQwcjA4oDagNIYyaHR0cDovL2NybC5jb21vZG9jYS5jb20v\n QUFBQ2VydGlmaWNhdGVTZXJ2aWNlcy5jcmwwNqA0oDKGMGh0dHA6Ly9jcmwuY29t\n b2RvLm5ldC9BQUFDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZVNlcnZpY2VzLmNybDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUF\n AAOCAQEACFb8AvCb6P+k+tZ7xkSAzk/ExfYAWMymtrwUSWgEdujm7l3sAg9g1o1Q\n GE8mTgHj5rCl7r+8dFRBv/38ErjHT1r0iWAFf2C3BUrz9vHCv8S5dIa2LX1rzNLz\n Rt0vxuBqw8M0Ayx9lt1awg6nCpnBBYurDC/zXDrPbDdVCYfeU0BsWO/8tqtlbgT2\n G9w84FoVxp7Z8VlIMCFlA2zs6SFz7JsDoeA3raAVGI/6ugLOpyypEBMs1OUIJqsi\n l2D4kF501KKaU73yqWjgom7C12yxow+ev+to51byrvLjKzg6CYG1a4XXvi3tPxq3\n smPi9WIsgtRqAEFQ8TmDn5XpNpaYbg==\n -----END CERTIFICATE-----\n" }, "resultCode": "0000" }
- when a matching certificate is returned the appliance falls back to the
endpoint, but still uses the known domain. The country code is taken from the account of the app. - https://eic-common.lgthinq.com/route
If the response format does not match (i.e. a typo in
GET https://eic-common.lgthinq.com/route x-service-code: SVC202 x-service-phase: OP x-country-code: US { "resultCode": "0000", "result": { "apiServer": "https://aic-common.lgthinq.com:443", "mqttServer": "ssl://a3phael99lf879.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com:8883" } }
) the request is retried. - If the reponse sets the
endpoint tohttps://common.lgthinq.com:443
the next request is:POST https://common.lgthinq.com/device/<GUID>/certificate User-Agent: IOE Client Content-Type: application/json { "ciphertext": "<base64>", "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- <base64> -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n", "otp": "<base64>", "publickey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- <base64> -----END PUBLIC KEY-----" } <unknown>
if a
is returned the request is retried two times with a 5 second delay -
is different in each request -otp
stays the same (for these three requests) -
if relaying to lgthinq
- and the body misses any property the error is
Invalid Body
- if
are set to"-"
the ciphertext is validated. If it is modified in any way the error isInvalid ciphertext: Encryption/decryption failed.
- this means the ciphertext is independent of the other parameters
- and the body misses any property the error is
is base64 encoded type-4 UUID -
in the URL is a type-1 UUID with an invalid timestamp (3215-05-22) -
is stable, but theotp
changes for each pairing request- is the app creating a pairing request in lgthinq and sending the OTP to the device?
if the request is send to the lgthink servers with
replaced by-
the response is{ "result": {}, "resultCode": "0002", "reason": "random number not found for 25 sec" }
if the request (with
replaced by-
) is send fast enough the response is{ "result": {}, "resultCode": "0002", "reason": "csrHash: <256bit hex> != 3973e022e93220f9212c18d0d0c543ae7c309e46640da93a4a0314de999f5112" }
is the result ofecho -n - | sha256sum
256bit hex
is the result ofsha256(<expected base64 csr with linebreaks>)
- either ciphertext contains the csrHash or lgthinq already knows the csrHash and correlates by device GUID / otp / ciphertext
if the same request (with
replaced by-
) is send a minute later the response is againrandom number not found for 25 sec
if it is sent an hour later the response is
{ "result": {}, "resultCode": "0002", "reason": "OTP not found, random number also not found" }
- the app talks to this endpoint using TLS 1.2.
- the device has a self signed certificate for
Internet Widgits Pty Ltd
- when connecting with
openssl s_client -connect
the device sends{"cmd": "ping", "type":"request"}
- when replying with
or{"cmd": "ping", "type":"response"}
the connection is closed
With frida I was able to capture the communication to using:
frida-trace -U -i SSL_read -i SSL_write -N com.lgeha.nuts
The scripts are in the frida folder.
The request for the ping response seems to be {"type":"request","cmd":"pong","data":{"constantConnect":"Y"}}
The communication between the appliance and the cloud looks like this:
request getDeviceInfo
{ "type": "request", "cmd": "getDeviceInfo", "data": { "subCountryCode": "DE", "regionalCode": "eic", "timezone": "+0100", "publicKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n<base64>\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", "instantFailReason": "Y", "constantConnect": "Y" } }
response getDeviceInfo
{ "type": "response", "cmd": "getDeviceInfo", "data": { "protocolVer": "3.1", "demandType": "RTK_RTL8711am", "mac": "64:cb:e9:XX:XX:XX", "uuid": "<GUID>", "encrypt_val": "<base64>", "deviceType": "201", "modelName": "F_V8_Y___W.B_2QEUK", "softwareVer": "2.10.123", "eepromChecksum": "0", "countryCode": "WW", "modemVer": "clip_hna_v1.9.110", "errorcodeDisplay": "0", "remainingTime": "420", "errorCode": "nS", "errSSID": "intercept-right", "//":"yep, that's the name of my wifi", "subErrorCode": "NONE", "extra": "CLP_RESET_REASON_WATCHDOG|16124163546601407478|0", "factoryResetCode": "56500", "supportsWpa3": "Y", "agentVer": "0" } }
request getDeviceInfo seems to be resent - publicKey is identical
{ "type": "request", "cmd": "getDeviceInfo", "data": { "subCountryCode": "DE", "regionalCode": "eic", "timezone": "+0100", "publicKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n<base64>\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", "instantFailReason": "Y", "constantConnect": "Y" } }
response getDeviceInfo
{ "type": "response", "cmd": "getDeviceInfo", "data": { "protocolVer": "3.1", "demandType": "RTK_RTL8711am", "mac": "64:cb:e9:XX:XX:XX", "uuid": "<GUID>", "encrypt_val": "<base64>", "deviceType": "201", "modelName": "F_V8_Y___W.B_2QEUK", "softwareVer": "2.10.123", "eepromChecksum": "0", "countryCode": "WW", "modemVer": "clip_hna_v1.9.110", "errorcodeDisplay": "0", "remainingTime": "420", "errorCode": "nS", "errSSID": "intercept-right", "subErrorCode": "NONE", "extra": "CLP_RESET_REASON_WATCHDOG|16124163546601407478|0", "factoryResetCode": "57713", "supportsWpa3": "Y", "agentVer": "0" } }
request setCertInfo
{ "type": "request", "cmd": "setCertInfo", "data": { "otp": "<base64 encoded uuid>", "svccode": "SVC202", "svcphase": "OP", "constantConnect": "Y" } }
response setCertInfo
{ "type": "response", "cmd": "setCertInfo", "data": { "protocolVer": "3.1", "subErrorCode": "NONE", "result": "000" } }
request setApInfo
{ "type": "request", "cmd": "setApInfo", "data": { "format": "B64", "ssid": "aW50ZXJjZXB0LWxlZnQ=", "//":"base64 encoded SSID - intercept-left", "security": "WPA2_PSK", "cipher": "AES", "password": "aW50ZXJjZXB0", "//":"base64 endoded password - intercept", "constantConnect": "Y" } }
some ping requests and pong responses
{ "cmd": "ping", "type": "request" } { "type": "request", "cmd": "pong", "data": { "constantConnect": "Y" } }
response setApInfo
{ "type": "response", "cmd": "setApInfo", "data": { "result": "999", "rssi": "-65", "protocolVer": "3.1", "subErrorCode": "W017", "errorCode": "nD" } }
ping / pong
response setApInfo
{ "type": "response", "cmd": "setApInfo", "data": { "result": "999", "rssi": "-65", "protocolVer": "3.1", "subErrorCode": "W021", "errorCode": "nS" } }
ping / pong until fail
the subject fo the csr is CN=*.clip.com, O=LGE, C=KR
the /device/<GUID>/certificate
endpoint returns the error Invalid ciphertext: Ciphertext length must be equal to key size. if the ciphertext parameter does not match the csr or publickey.
not a surprise but confirmed by Amazon. Good to know it was not build on AWS but migrated to AWS.