An app to collect data from the homeless by the homeless to help the homeless.
- Clone
- Run
bundle install
to install dependencies - Run
bin/rake db:create
- Run
bin/rake db:migrate
- Run
bin/rake db:seed
Always create your own branch and never commit directly to master branch, please follow these steps:
- Create a new branch
git checkout -b <<your branch name>>
- Push your branch to origin to track changes
git push --set-upstream origin <<your branch name>>
- Commit and push all your changes to origin as you work once you are done your feature switch to local master branch
- Now go on github and generate a pull request, ask another team member to review your code and merge it to remote master
- Once your branch is merged checkout you local master branch and pull from origin
git checkout master
git pull origin master
- Now delete your feature branch from origin as a clean up
git push origin --delete <<your branch name>>
- Finally delete your remote feature branch
git branch -d <<your branch name>>
You will need to install yarn after bundle install
run foreman start -f
to start both rails and react server
Will listen on port :3000