These are the dotfiles I use to customise various applications I use daily.
This is the folder where all tmux configuration files and scripts are kept.
is symlinked to my ~/
directory and contains configuration options that control the appearance, functionalty and keyboard shortcuts of tmux.
is the script I use everytime I reboot my computer to redeploy my
tmux layout.
It is symlinked to my home directory and aliased to shortcuts to make it's use easier:
alias td="./tmuxdeploy"
alias tdf="./tmuxdeploy f"
is symlinked to my ~/
directory and contains aliases for my bash terminal. It is sourced from .bashrc
using the source .bash_aliases
ln -s /home/zer0rest/dotfiles/bash/bash_aliases /home/zer0rest/.bash_aliases
Then, add the following if statement to .bashrc
if [ -f .bash_aliases ]; then
source .bash_aliases