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Installation instructions
- Make sure to work with the latest version of R and install dependencies (type the following commands into your R terminal):
<s>install.packages(c("rgl", "MASS","doParallel","colorRamps","RANN"))</s>
install.packages(c("rgl", "MASS","doParallel","colorRamps","yaImpute"))
Also required are the packages 'Matrix' and 'parallel' which usually are already installed as R's recommended packages.
Download the version suitable for your OS from here Either the compiled package (for Windows and OS X) or the source tarball (Linux).
Installation command from within R:
check if the package can be loaded:
load package: library(Morpho)
install devtools from within R (Ubuntu/Debian users will have to install libcurl4-gnutls-dev beforehand):
Install build environment
run the following command in R:
run the following command in R:
To gain full functionality of the Morpho R-package (using sliding landmarks, importing meshfiles other than ascii ply files, etc), it is required to download and install the latest version of the command line programs.
- Download the binaries appropriate for your OS from https://github.com/zarquon42b/trimesh-cxx/releases
Install files:
- Windows: simply double click trimesh-tools.msi and follow installer instructions.
- extract the .tgz archive and copy these files e.g. to /usr/bin/
- you also need the QT libraries QtGui and QtCore installed. If you don't know how to do that, you can download the complete QT libraries from http://qt.nokia.com/downloads and install them on your machine.
- Linux:
Test if the system finds the files (necessary for Morpho).
- open a command line terminal
- type ply2ascii
- if everything is alright, you see a help message.
- Install QT-SDK (http://qt-project.org/downloads)
- make sure to have C++ compilers installed
- Get the latest sources
- Download the tarball
or use git to obtain the latest snapshot
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/morpho-rpackage/trimesh-cxx trimesh-cxx
cd trimesh-cxx
The compiled binaries are found in the folder trimesh-cxx/bin which is created during the compilation process.
Copy these binaries to any convenient directory and make sure that the directory is added to the system's PATH variable.