Morpho 1.0-2
Windows version
OSX version
Linux version (source code)
Caution: the latest version of rgl (>= 0.93.963) and doParallel (>= 1.0.6) is required
Changes in Morpho version 1.0-2 (2013-11-05)
- added option "barycoords" in 'closemeshKD' and added normal weighting
- made reprojection ind 'slider3d' using multiple cores in case "meshlist" is specified
- added option "blockdiag" in 'CreateL' to supress returning blockdiagonal matrix containin Lsubk
- significant speedup in calcGamma (responsible for sliding)
- added option "meshlist" in 'slider3d' and fixed memory
allocation problem for orthogonal projection with large amounts of
landmarks in 'procSym' (underlying routine 'orp') - added autonaming of output in write.pts
- 'mergeMeshes' now allows a list of meshes to merge
- fixed error in 'mcNNindex' in case k=1
- added landmark matrix to output of 'cExtract'
- set pointsize to 10 in 'deformGrid3d' in case "type="p""
- added options "silent"/"ignore.stdout" to 'ply2mesh',
'projRead', 'ray2mesh', 'slider3d' and
'warp.mesh' to supress terminal output - added option "pt.size" instead of "radius" in 'checkLM' and 'plotAtlas' to control point/sphere size.
- added option "fixRepro" in 'slider3d' and 'relaxLM' to supress
reprojection of fix landmarks onto the surface. This can be useful
when some fix landmarks are in "thin air". - added support for point cloud export in 'mesh2ply' and 'mesh2obj'
- added option "silent" in 'rmUnrefVertex'
- fixed error in 'relWarps' preventing it to work for 2D configs
- added function 'checkLM'. Useful to visualize if projection by
'placePatch' was successful by browsing through sample. - added functions 'placePatch', 'createAtlas' and 'plotAtlas'
for defining templates and functions to project (semi-) landmarks from
an atlas onto all specimen in a given sample - fixed missing '-1' subtraction in 'covW'
- added function 'mergeMeshes' to concatenate multiple triangular meshes.
- made function 'procAOVsym' (procrustes Anova for object
symmetry) public. - made functions 'cSize', 'mcNNindex', 'meshcube', 'meshres', 'ProcGPA' public.
- added option 'info' in 'read.mpp'
- merged 'CreateL' and 'CreateL2D'
- rewrote large parts of 'CVA', 'groupPCA' and 'permudist' to
make the code more efficient - 'covPCA' now allows permutation tests to check if pairwise
distances between covariance matrices are significant and reports rownames for two-group case - removed unnecessary complicated check for empty groups by simply using function 'factor' in 'covW' and 'typprobClass'
- white space formatting in code
- added option "mshape" to function 'orp' to specify a custom pole for projection
- made function 'fx', 'PCAcrova' and 'calcTang_U'
interntal-only by prefixing function name with '.' - removed unnecessary sinus calculation in 'angle.calc'