Instead of writing HTML or using an HTML templating engine, you compose your layout using PHP structures with the dash-html-components library.
Install composer.
Run the following in the root of your project:
composer require zamasskin/html-constructor dev-main
Or, create a composer.json file with the following contents and run "composer install":
"require": {
"zamasskin/html-constructor": "dev-main"
use HtmlConstructor\Tags;
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
$html = (new Tags\TextContent\Div())
->style("color: red; background: #000")
(new Tags\TextContent\Div())->className("one"),
(new Tags\TextContent\Div())->className("two"),
echo $html->render();
// <div style="color: red; background: #000" class="parent"><div class="one"></div><div class="two"></div></div>
$html = Tags::Div()->className("root")->children([
Tags::Span('main caption')->className("caption"),
Tags::A('', 'main link')->className("link")
echo $html->render();
// <div class="root"><span class="caption">main caption</span><a href="" class="link">main link</a></div>
$html = (new Tags\Tag("custom"))->setAttribute("data", "test");
echo $html->render();
// <custom data="%test"></custom>
$html = Tags::Tag("custom")->setAttribute("data", "test");
echo $html->render();
// <custom data="%test"></custom>