- 🕹️ Unity Game Developer
- 🎨 Pixel Artist
- 🌱 Casual Competitive Programmer
- 💞️ C#, C++
- 📫 Discord: @kazoya
Curious about how games are made, I found out about Game Dev & Unity at the age of 12, made a bunch of crappy stuff then somehow transferred into doing multiple freelancing projects for clients around the globe.
all of the following are freelancing projects in some way or another:
- Deep - Sudoku Game (Free Game): cross platform sudoku application.
- Vocabs Break (Paid Product): mobile word-guessing game.
- Flap (Paid Product): flappy bird clone (who would've thought).
- Heads or Tails: meow edition (Free web game): heads or tails but for cats (client's idea, no questions)
there are more, but most of them are not so interesting to share, or/and are private (client doesn't want to publish the work).
You can find my pixel art at: https://www.reddit.com/user/zaidmermam/submitted/
- Unity: Game engine.
- Aseprite: Pixel Art Editor.
- Visual Studio: IDE.
If somehow someone wants to have a chat with me (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I prefer slapping a DM at Discord: @kazoya