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Start / Stop Minikube:

minikube start --extra-config=kubelet.housekeeping-interval=10s
minikube stop

Install Required Minikube Addons:

minikube addons enable metrics-server
minikube addons enable dashboard
minikube addons enable ingress

Start Minikube Kubernetes Dashboard (open a new terminal):

minikube dashboard
# if not using Minikube
kubectl apply -k ./dashboard

Install Linkerd Control Plane:

choco install linkerd2
brew install linkerd

Install Linkerd Service Mesh

linkerd install --set proxyInit.runAsRoot=true | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd viz install | kubectl apply -f -

Deploying Distributed Queue Kubernetes Cluster:

kubectl apply -k ./mongo-k8s
kubectl apply -k ./mongo-express-k8s
kubectl apply -k ./queue-server-k8s
kubectl apply -k ./envoy-k8s
kubectl apply -k ./master-decision-k8s

Start Linkerd Dashboard (open a new terminal):

linkerd viz dashboard

Starting Frontend App:

cd frontend
npm install
npm start

Uninstall Linkerd:

kubectl get deploy -o yaml | linkerd uninject - | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd viz uninstall | kubectl delete -f -

Tearing down cluster:

kubectl delete -k ./mongo-k8s
kubectl delete -k ./mongo-express-k8s
kubectl delete -k ./queue-server-k8s
kubectl delete -k ./envoy-k8s

Deploy Kubernetes Dashboard without Minikube (http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/):

kubectl apply -k ./dashboard
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user
# copy the generated token
kubectl proxy

To provision MongoDB StatefulSet:

kubectl apply -k ./mongo-k8s

To provision MongoDB-Express GUI Deployment:

kubectl apply -k ./mongo-express-k8s

To provision Queue Server Deployment:

kubectl apply -k ./queue-server-k8s

To get external endpoint for service:

minikube service mongo-nodeport-service --url
minikube service mongoexpress-nodeport-service --url
minikube service waitingroom-node-nodeport-service --url

Deploying the Master Decision Node (MDN)

Navigate into the master-decision-client folder.

Generate Stub if needed

python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./ --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. ./waitingroom.proto

Edit Environmental Variables

Set the IP address of the final website and queue-server. and localhost is not supported, even if they are deployed on the same machine. Please use the 192.168.1.x IP address.

Use Docker Compose to run

This will build the container and sets the network mode to host. docker-compose up --build -d


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