HealthApp is a SwiftUI application designed for educational purposes. It leverages HealthKit to track and visualize health data, including steps and weight. The app features interactive charts and a user-friendly interface, making it a comprehensive tool for learning about health data integration and visualization in iOS development.
HealthApp/: Contains the main application code.
- App.swift: Entry point of the SwiftUI application.
- ContentView.swift: Main user interface container.
- Models/: Contains data models.
- HealthDataModel.swift: Represents health data structure.
- Views/: Contains all the UI components.
- DashboardView.swift: Displays an overview of health metrics.
- NavigationView.swift: Sets up the navigation structure.
- DataListView.swift: Presents a list of health data entries.
- StepBarChartView.swift: UI for the step bar chart.
- StepPieChartView.swift: UI for the step pie chart.
- WeightLineChartView.swift: UI for the weight line chart.
- WeightBarChartView.swift: UI for the weight bar chart.
- ErrorHandlingView.swift: Manages error handling UI.
- ViewModels/: Contains view models for data management.
- HealthDataViewModel.swift: Manages health data logic.
- Services/: Contains services for external interactions.
- HealthKitService.swift: Interacts with HealthKit.
- Utils/: Contains utility extensions.
- Extensions.swift: Common functionalities.
- Resources/: Contains image assets and other resources.
HealthApp.xcodeproj: Xcode project file.
HealthAppTests/: Contains unit tests.
- HealthDataTests.swift: Unit tests for health data functionalities.
HealthAppUITests/: Contains UI tests.
- HealthDataUITests.swift: UI tests for the application.
- Documentation for the project.
To get started with this project, clone the repository and open the HealthApp.xcodeproj
file in Xcode. Ensure you have the necessary permissions set up for HealthKit in your app's capabilities.
- Interactive charts for steps and weight.
- Health data visualization.
- Error handling and user feedback mechanisms.
Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request for any enhancements or bug fixes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.