This project was developed with the following technologies:
# Go to the project folder and install the dependencies with the commands below:
$ cd angular-mqtt-client
$ npm install
# In the project folder and with the Angular CLI installed, run the command below:
$ ng serve -o
# Make sure Docker is installed on your computer, go to the root folder of your project and run the command below:
$ cd angular-mqtt-client
# Run the build with the production environment.
$ docker build -t angular-mqtt-client:prd .
# Run the build with the environment passed as parameter (dev | stg).
$ docker build -t angular-mqtt-client:dev --build-arg configuration="dev" .
# Testing the generated image.
$ docker run -p 80:80 angular-mqtt-client:dev
# Open your browser and browse the application.
Developed by Yves Guilherme Lopo R. Lima 🚀