This is a GitHub version of Eosin's VRRenderer Plugin for Virt-A-Mate. See that link for further information.
This isn't an official repository for the plugin, but my (yunidatsu) private one for releasing some changes I'm doing to it.
Eosin released the plugin under CC BY-SA.
Credit for this plugin goes mainly to Eosin. Further credits from the original release:
- Thanks to MacGruber for his previous work which this plugin builds and heavily relies upon!
- Thanks to Élie Michel for his LilyRender360 shader which is responsible for the 15x performance gain compared to a CPU-based implementation!
- Thanks to kuler for contributing the correct method to do transparent render in VaM!
- Thanks to ragingsimian, morkork, VAMguy, 3115062, Cleo and Vezezepu for improvement suggestions!