An introduction to machine learning
A Whirlwind Tour of Python by Jake VanderPlas
Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas
- Introduction to machine learning following
- Supervised learning workflow following
- Download the data
- Prepare the data
- A look at the data files
- Loading the data with Pandas
- Getting an overview by visualizing the data
- Create feature matrix and target vector
- Create training and validation sets
- Machine learning: Supervised classification
- Train a model
- Compare training and validation accuracy
- The confusion matrix
- Summarize the different scores
- Inspect workflow steps, particularly loading, preparing and visualizing data
- Over- and underfitting Python Data Science Handbook 05.03-Hyperparameters-and-Model-Validation
- Support vector classifier Python Data Science Handbook 05.07-Support-Vector-Machines
- Random forest classifier Python Data Science Handbook 05.08-Random-Forests
- Review of concepts
- Introduction to the lab
- Deep learning and introduction to medical imaging