This repo follows Classed's tutorial series: Full Stack & Firebase Tutorial - Build a social media app, which is also available here as one single video. The JavaScript repos for the Firebase Functions and React Client can be perused to see what differences exist between my TypeScript and the instructor's JavaScript implementations.
Create a file /socialape-functions/functions/src/firebaseConfig.ts
and fill it with your webapp config:
// copy paste the following from Settings | General | Your apps | Firebase SDK snippet
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "**",
authDomain: "**",
databaseURL: "**",
projectId: "**",
storageBucket: "**",
messagingSenderId: "**",
appId: "**",
measurementId: "**"
export default firebaseConfig;
cd socialape-functions
cd functions
npm install
npm run build
To debug, run firebase emulators:start --inspect-functions
9:35 npm install -g firebase-tools
10:18 firebase login
md socialape-functions
cd socialape-functions
firebase init
Select Functions: Configure and deploy Cloud Functions
; Use an existing project
; socialape--xxxx
What is the practice on committing firebase files in a NodeJS app?
12:04 firebase deploy
20:48 if trying createScream, and you get Error: Value for argument "data" is not a valid Firestore document.
make sure the POST request is sending data as JSON and not Text. See
firebase serve
to server the application locally.
If you get the error Error: Could not load the default credentials.
, go to Firebase Console's Project Settings, select Service accounts,
and Generate new private key, then set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the key JSON file:
26:22 Handling GET requests to createScream.
cd functions
npm install --save express
43:28 Install firebase NPM
cd functions
npm install --save firebase
1:22:38 Extend Express Request object using Typescript
cd functions
npm install --save [email protected] @types/busboy
or, if you want to
use the latest version of busboy, without corresponding types,
add "noImplicitAny": false,
to tsconfig.json
1:55:32 Also, I use node-temp instead of the crazy way of generating temp file names with Math.random()
npm install temp @types/temp
2:09:43 The use of req.rawBody
is deprecated.
For now, one can simply use:
// @ts-ignore
4:26:33 npm install -g create-react-app
, then
create-react-app socialape-client --template typescript
npm install --save react-router-dom
npm install @types/react-router-dom
4:34:12 npm install -save @material-ui/core
4:51:02 npm install --save axios
5:14:08 npm install --save dayjs
dayjs is
a lightweight alternative to momentjs.
5:58:42 npm install --save jwt-decode @types/jwt-decode
6:03:29 How to use spread properties in Typescript+React, and Typescript - how to omit properties so a subset can be transferred with spread?
#18 Redux Setup: What Does Redux Do? (and when should you use it?) and Immutability in JavaScript using Redux. Also Usage with TypeScript. And Use Redux Devtools Extension Package from NPM
npm install --save redux react-redux redux-thunk @types/react-redux
#20 Profile section:
Material Icons npm install --save @material-ui/icons
- ECMAScript 2019 Language Specification
- You Don't Know JS
- What the heck is the event loop anyway?
- TypeScript Resources
- Plain JavaScript vs React
- React vs Vue
- React app sample with TypeScript
- React Router Introduction
- Protected routes and authentication with React Router v4
- React Typescript Tutorial
- How to Use React Router in Typescript
- TypeScript and React: Children
- React children composition patterns with TypeScript
- Example Code for Use of Strong Typing in Redx and an explanation.
- Using TypeScript With Material UI.
- Getting Started With Redux and TypeScript and repo.
- Strongly-typed React Redux Code with TypeScript
- React & Redux in TypeScript
To use withStyles
with withRouter
in TypeScript,
the component should be created like this:
import {createStyles} from "@material-ui/core";
import { RouteComponentProps, withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import withStyles, {WithStyles} from "@material-ui/core/styles/withStyles";
const styles = createStyles({
// styles
interface Props {
// properties
interface State {
// states
class CustomComponent extends Component<Props & RouteComponentProps & WithStyles<typeof styles>, State> {
// ...
export default withStyles(styles)(withRouter(CustomComponent));