jQuery Timed Slideshow is a lightweight jQuery slideshow plugin with timing animation controls and automatic pagination features.
This plugin has available functions to go to a specific slide, play, pause and reset the internal timer.
Its internal timer uses an actual timekeeping by polling current time (as use of setInterval()
only is not fully reliable for actual timekeeping).
It supports slide and fade transition effects.
Create a top-level block element, then put the list of slides, and optionally previous/next buttons and pagination elements, inside it (no matter at which sub-level). Apply specific CSS classes to these elements (see Options).
<div id="slideshow-container">
<ul class="slideshow-slides">
<li><img src="img/image1.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="img/image2.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="img/image3.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="img/image4.jpg" /></li>
<div class="slideshow-pagination"></div>
<a class="slideshow-prev">Prev</a>
<a class="slideshow-next">Next</a>
You can then apply the slideshow functions to the top-level block element:
// Initialize the slideshow for #slideshow-container
// Will play the slideshow
// Will pause the timer of the current slide
// Will reset the timer of the current slide
// Will go to first slide (parameter can be any integer between 0 and [number of slides]-1)
$('#slideshow-container').slideshow('slide', 0);
// Will go to previous/next slide, taking into account the provided *transitionStep* (see *Options*) (parameter can be true for previous, otherwise go to next)
$('#slideshow-container').slideshow('slideNext', true);
// Will retrieve the current slide index (integer between 0 and [number of slides]-1)
var currentIndex = $('#slideshow-container').slideshow('getCurrentIndex');
Some options can be passed at initialization (the following values are defaults):
// Initialize the slideshow for #slideshow-container with passed options
autoPlay: true, // whether or not to auto-play at initialization
duration: 5000, // duration of display of each slide, including transition (in ms)
transitionDuration: 500, // duration of transition between each slide (in ms)
transitionEffect: 'slide', // effect of transition ('slide' or 'fade')
transitionDirectionSlide: 'horizontal', // direction of transition when using 'slide' effect ('horizontal' or 'vertical')
transitionCrossfade: false, // whether or not to crossfade when using 'fade' effect
transitionStep: 1, // step of transition (positive or negative integer)
transitionEasing: null, // easing of transition
transitionStartCallback: function(){}, // function to be called at start of each transition
transitionEndCallback: function(){}, // function to be called at end of each transition
sizeSlide: 1, // number of slides visible at any moment (integer between 1 and [number of slides])
startIndex: 0, // index of the first slide to display (integer between 0 and [number of slides]-1)
slidesClass: 'slideshow-slides', // CSS class of slides list element
prevClass: 'slideshow-prev', // CSS class of previous button element
nextClass: 'slideshow-next', // CSS class of next button element
paginationClass: 'slideshow-pagination' // CSS class of pagination container element
- For slide list-items containing images, you must either explicitly define CSS width and height of slide list-items or preload images before slideshow initialization
- For slide list-items containing text, you must explicitly define CSS width of slide list-items
#slideshow-container-images .slideshow-slides li {
width: 500px; /* Required for images slides */
height: 200px; /* Required for images slides */
#slideshow-container-text .slideshow-slides li {
width: 500px; /* Required for text slides */
The current active slide and pagination item elements can be styled using the 'active' CSS class.
#slideshow-container .slideshow-slides .active {
background-color: #ff0000;
#slideshow-container .slideshow-pagination ul li.active {
background-color: #ff0000;