SJTU-EE356 Project 1: Threshold selection by clustering gray levels of boundary.
Author: HUANG Siyuan (519030910095)
Name | Content |
data | Original Image |
hist | Hist of gray values of boundary points |
boundary | Boundary Detection Result |
out | Segmentation Result | | utilities | | single class object & background segmentation for 6.jpg, 8_gray.bmp, 40.jpg | | bi-level selection for 1_gray.bmp, 13.bmp | | multi-level selection for 22.bmp, 23.bmp |
All boundary points satisfies:
$\frac{\partial^{2}f}{\partial x^{2}} + \frac{\partial^{2}f}{\partial y^{2}}=0$ $\sqrt{{\frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{x}}}^2+{\frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{y}}}^2}\ge T$
Goal: obtain the discrete sampling points of the boundaries within 2D image and the gray values of these discrete sampling points.
2D image is treated as discrete sampling data sampled from the grid points (i.e. pixels lies on the grid points) of 2D regular grids. Two kinds of cells: edge-cells intersected by boundary, non-edge-cells.
Procedure of finding edge cells:
- detect all edge-cells
- approximate the boundary in each edge-cell by examining the number of interacted edges.
The vertices of a intersected boundary,
Where gradient threshold
The simplest method to compute the position and the gray value of an intersecting point is to linearly interpolate the positions and the gray values of two vertices of the edge at which this intersecting point locates.
In practice, if there exists a boundary between two vertices, we assume its gray value to be the average gray value of the two vertices.
In the case of 2D image containing only one object class and one background class, the unique cluster exists in the histogram of discrete sampling points of the boundary. Thus, threshold can be selected as the average value of gray values of the discrete sampling points of the boundary.
If there is much noise or other small objects in 2D image, it is better to select threshold at the main peak of histogram of all discrete sampling points. Example: 1_gray.bmp
For 2D image containing more than one interesting object class, multilevel thresholds are needed to select. The means of the clusters in the histogram of gray values of boundary points correspond to thresholds of different segments in the image, exclusive of the background. Example: 22.bmp
, 23.bmp
Please refer to the report
[1] Wang, L. and J. Bai (2003). "Threshold selection by clustering gray levels of boundary." Pattern Recognition Letters 24(12): 1983-1999.