This Android application demonstrates the capability of interfacing an RFduino with an Android app to store processed data as comma separated values onto the file system.
This work is based on the work done by Lann Martin found here:
MainActivity: the main activity class for the Android app
SaveBytesToFile: an AsyncTask to store processed data onto a file
RFduinoService: Android service to connect, display data, and display GATT services and characteristics supported by the RFduino via the Android BLE API
OpenBCIDataConversion: helper class to convert byte data received from RFduino into microvolt values
FormatDataForFile: helper class to convert the process data into comma separated values
BluetoothHelper: RFduino specific Bluetooth computation
HexAsciiHelper: helper class to convert bytes to hex/ASCII values
-Turn on the Bluetooth using the “Enable Bluetooth" button
-Press “Scan” to begin a BLE scan for GATT servers on devices
-When an RFduino is found, some of the device information will be displayed under “Device Info”
-Press “Connect” to connect to the RFduino
-You can either type in your command using the text input provided or press “Start” to send a “b” (begin) command to the RFduino
-Click “Stop” to send a “s” (stop) command to the RFduino
-Press “View File” to open the data file for the current session and use your favorite text viewer to view the “.csv” file
Note: All files are stored under an “OpenBCI” folder in the file system. The files are name “openbci” where the time stamp is in the "yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss" format.