Copyright (C) 2020-2023 The Open Library Foundation
This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.
Backend module for remote storages
The mod-remote-storage module provides API for:
- storing and retrieving all remote-storages settings
- setting the remote-storage for the location from UI
- adapter modules
The system-user
system user for running tasks is created in the post tenant API controller. The password must be set using the SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD
environment variable. Permissions are defined in src/main/resources/permissions/system-user-permissions.csv
API provides the following URLs for working with remote storage configurations:
Method | URL | Permissions | Description |
POST | /remote-storage/configurations | | Creates a remote storage configuration |
GET | /remote-storage/configurations | remote-storage.configurations.collection.get | Retrieves all remote storage configurations |
GET | /remote-storage/configurations/{remoteStorageConfigurationId} | remote-storage.configurations.item.get | Retrieves a remote storage configuration by id |
PUT | /remote-storage/configurations/{remoteStorageConfigurationId} | remote-storage.configurations.item.put | Updates a remote storage configuration |
DELETE | /remote-storage/configurations/{remoteStorageConfigurationId} | remote-storage.configurations.item.delete | Deletes a remote storage configuration by id |
API provides the following URLs for working with mappings between Folio locations and remote storage configurations (one-to-one):
Method | URL | Query parameters | Permissions | Description |
POST | /remote-storage/mappings | - | | Creates new or updates an existing location mapping |
DELETE | /remote-storage/mappings/{finalLocationId} | - | remote-storage.mappings.item.delete | Deletes location mapping by Folio (final) location id |
GET | /remote-storage/mappings | Optional: finalLocationId , remoteStorageConfigurationId , offset , limit |
remote-storage.configurations.mappings.get | Retrieves all location mappings |
GET | /remote-storage/mappings/{finalLocationId} | - | remote-storage.mappings.item.get | Retrieves a location mapping by Folio (final) location id |
API provides the following URLs for working with extended mappings (remote (final) locations, remote storage configurations and original locations):
Method | URL | Query parameters | Permissions | Description |
POST | /remote-storage/extended-mappings | - | | Creates new or updates an existing extended location mapping |
DELETE | /remote-storage/extended-mappings/{remoteStorageConfigurationId}/{originalLocationId} | - | remote-storage.extended-mappings.item.delete | Deletes original location by remoteStorageConfigurationId and originalLocationId |
GET | /remote-storage/extended-mappings | Optional: finalLocationId , remoteStorageConfigurationId , originalLocationId , offset , limit |
remote-storage.configurations.extended-mappings.get | Retrieves all extended location mappings (if no query parameters specified), or by query parameter |
GET | /remote-storage/extended-mappings/{finalLocationId} | - | remote-storage.extended-mappings.item.get | Retrieves an extended location mapping by Folio (final) location id |
GET | /remote-storage/extended-mappings/locations | Optional: remoteStorageConfigurationId , offset , limit |
remote-storage.extended-mappings-locations.collection.get | Retrieves all original locations with corresponding final (remote) locations, if they exist |
API provides the following URL to retrieve by check-in and return item using barcode:
Method | URL | Permissions | Description |
POST | /remote-storage/retrieve/{remoteStorageConfigurationId}/checkInItem | | Check-in item by barcode |
POST | /remote-storage/return/{remoteStorageConfigurationId} | | Return item by barcode |
API provides the following URL to retrieve providers:
Method | URL | Permissions | Description |
GET | /remote-storage/providers | remote-storage.providers.collection.get | Get list of providers |
API provides the following URL to mark item as missing:
Method | URL | Permissions | Description |
POST | /remote-storage/items/barcode/{barcode}/markAsMissing | | Mark item as missing by barcode |
Name | Default value | Description |
JAVA_OPTIONS | -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75.0 | Java options |
DB_HOST | postgres | Postgres hostname |
DB_PORT | 5432 | Postgres port |
DB_USERNAME | folio_admin | Postgres username |
DB_PASSWORD | - | Postgres username password |
DB_DATABASE | okapi_modules | Postgres database name |
DB_QUERYTIMEOUT | 60000 | Database query timeout. |
DB_CHARSET | UTF-8 | Database charset. |
DB_MAXPOOLSIZE | 5 | Database max pool size. |
KAFKA_HOST | kafka | Kafka broker hostname |
KAFKA_PORT | 9092 | Kafka broker port |
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL | PLAINTEXT | Kafka security protocol used to communicate with brokers (SSL or PLAINTEXT) |
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION | - | The location of the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client. |
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | - | The store password for the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if 'ssl.keystore.location' is configured. |
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION | - | The location of the Kafka trust store file. |
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD | - | The password for the Kafka trust store file. If a password is not set, trust store file configured will still be used, but integrity checking is disabled. |
SYSTEM_USER_NAME | system-user | Username of the system user. |
SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD | - | Password of the system user. |
OKAPI_URL | http://okapi:9130 | OKAPI URL used to login system user, required |
ENV | folio | Logical name of the deployment, must be set if Kafka/Elasticsearch are shared for environments, a-z (any case) , 0-9 , - , _ symbols only allowed |
Institutional users should be granted the following permissions in order to use this remote storage API:
See project MODRS at the FOLIO issue tracker.
Other modules are described, with further FOLIO Developer documentation at