- An interactive Jetpack Compose Pizza ordering application.
- Usercustomize pizza by adding multiple toppings and selecting size of the pizza.
- Can visualize the toppings added or removed on to the pizza lively.
- This is a practice application made with the help of text book Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (5th Edition).
- Using Jetpack Compose as UI instead of framework UI.
- Using inbuild composables and creating custom composables and previewing them.
- Using modifier, adding custom styles and adding click listeners to modifiers.
- Defining UI states and updating UI's with mutable state. Parcelable to store UI state.
- Usage of rememeber to store values and using state hoisting.
- Using lazy column as recyclerview and dialogs in compose.
- Theming compose UI's and using AppBar composable.
- Using Scafflod to hold composable properly on the screen.