This MVC-based Job Portal Application provides a comprehensive platform for both recruiters and job seekers. Built using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, the app offers a streamlined and efficient hiring process.
Watch the project in action on YouTube: Project Demonstration
- User Authentication: Secure user authentication using express-session and bcrypt.
- Validation: Robust input validation with express-validator for enhanced data integrity.
- File Upload: Utilizes Multer for handling file uploads, such as resumes.
- Email Notifications: Nodemailer integration for sending email notifications.
- Dynamic Data Rendering: Component-based project structure for seamless rendering of dynamic data.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies (make sure you are in correct directory):
npm install
- Run this command in terminal:
nodemon server.js
- Start the server:
npm start
- Visit
in your browser to access the application.
- src:
Source code directory containing the main application logic.
- Contains controller logic for handling HTTP requests.
- Centralized location for middleware functions like authentication, validation, and email sending.
- Defines data models for MongoDB, encapsulating the application's data structure.
Publicly accessible files and directories.
- Stores HTML templates.
- Houses image assets used in the application.
- Location for storing uploaded resumes.
- Holds client-side JavaScript files.
- Stores CSS stylesheets for styling the application.
- Defines routes and their corresponding logic for the application.
- EJS templates for rendering dynamic content.
- Manifest file that describes the project and its dependencies.
- Entry point for the application, configuring and starting the Express server.
- cookie-parser: Simplifies handling cookies in the application.
- ejs: Embedded JavaScript templates for dynamic content rendering.
- express: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js.
- express-ejs-layouts: Layout support for EJS templates in Express.
- express-session: Session middleware for Express.js.
- express-validator: Middleware for request validation in Express applications.
- multer: Middleware for handling multipart/form-data, primarily used for file uploads.
- nodemailer: Module for sending emails from Node.js applications.
- uuid: Generates unique identifiers for creating unique IDs.
Contributions are welcome! Please submit any issues or pull requests.