This is my end of degree project, in which I design a social network which I have called YOSKI!. The function of this social network is that businesses can share problems that they currently have and give other businesses the opportunity to advise them. This social network aims to be the StackOverFlow of companies.
For the design, I have used the design that most social networks like LinkedIn, FaceBook and Twitter usually have.
- We have a MongoDB database called yoski that consists of three collections (business, publication and relation).
- I have deployed my Mongo database, in Amazon Web Service, since it allowed you a free server.
- I have developed all the BackEnd code in GOLANG (Requests, EndPoints, functions interact with Mongo, data structures, etc...).
- To test the EndPoints, I have helped myself with PostMan, which is used to make requests and to be able to verify that everything is correct.
- For requests I have relied on JSON, since they will help me when interacting with the Client part.
- For the design part I have used Sass and React-Bootstrap.
- For web structure theme, I have used ReactJs.
- For testing and deployment I have used nodeJS.