@AndreiEgorov @yang6020 @pjchong91 @vinnychan @yves-chan
Keeping tabs is a react native app targeted towards individuals trying to take control of their alcoholism. This app was created in Lumohacks 2018 to address the issue of alcohol addiction.
Gives the user a chance to reflect on the positive and negative impacts of consuming alcohol and how it affects their life.
Simple Calendar to track the progress of an individuals sobriety.
Pulls a list of resources from the web to deal with alcohol addiction. This list can be improved and filtered in the future to extract key information from each resource and aggregate it in a more presentable format.
Leverage existing internet groups catered towards overcoming alcohol addition from Reddit so that users can read other people's stories and interact with other real people.
An individual trying to gain sobriety has the option of choosing a sponsor person that receives the progress from the goal tracking on a regular basis.
- React-native
- Javascript
- Google Custom search API
- Reddit API
- GraphQL
- GraphCool
- SendGrid API