In this dictionary, you'll find several tools written by C Language to convert file types.
For this version of Tools, it is only supported by the conversion between python file (*.py) and ipython file (*.ipynb).
As we all known, there are two file types of python. Sometimes, we use *.ipynb, and maybe some other day, we need to use *.py. To convert in these two file types quickly can save us much time.
And for the security, I choose the C Language which will make a binary file after compilation.
Linux Operation System
I used some commands in Linux, such as sed, so it's now available on Linux, or maybe MacOS (I haven't any Virtual Machine of MacOS yet, so I'm not sure)
./[tool name] [Option] [the file path you need to convert]
And you get a new file converted at the same path of the converting file.