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Martin Taibr edited this page Mar 4, 2017 · 5 revisions


In netradiant, there are two kinds of lights, real time lights (which must be added in-game) and radiosity-based lights (which are added in radiant). This article will deal with both.

Real time lights (rtlights)

Real time lights are added and modified using the following console commands, accessible in-game using r_editlights_help.

Command Function
r_editlights enable/disable editing mode
r_editlights_cursordistance maximum distance of cursor from eye
r_editlights_cursorpushback push back cursor this far from surface
r_editlights_cursorpushoff push cursor off surface this far
r_editlights_cursorgrid snap cursor to grid of this size
r_editlights_quakelightsizescale imported quake light entity size scaling
r_editlights_help this help
r_editlights_clear remove all lights
r_editlights_reload reload .rtlights, .lights file, or entities
r_editlights_save save to .rtlights file
r_editlights_spawn create a light with default settings
r_editlights_edit command edit selected light - more documentation below
r_editlights_remove remove selected light
r_editlights_toggleshadow toggles on/off selected light’s shadow property
r_editlights_importlightentitiesfrommap reload light entities
r_editlights_importlightsfile reload .light file (produced by hlight)
Edit commands (given as arguments to r_editlights_edit)
origin x y z set light location
originx x set x component of light location
originy y set y component of light location
originz z set z component of light location
move x y z adjust light location
movex x adjust x component of light location
movey y adjust y component of light location
movez z adjust z component of light location
angles x y z set light angles
anglesx x set x component of light angles
anglesy y set y component of light angles
anglesz z set z component of light angles
color r g b set color of light (can be brighter than 1 1 1)
radius radius set radius (size) of light
colorscale grey multiply color of light (1 does nothing)
colorscale r g b multiply color of light (1 1 1 does nothing)
radiusscale scale multiply radius (size) of light (1 does nothing)
sizescale scale multiply radius (size) of light (1 does nothing)
style style set lightstyle of light (flickering patterns, switches, etc)
cubemap basename set filter cubemap of light (not yet supported)
shadows 1/0 turn on/off shadows
corona n set corona intensity
coronasize n set corona size (0-1)
ambient n set ambient intensity (0-1)
diffuse n set diffuse intensity (0-1)
specular n set specular intensity (0-1)
normalmode 1/0 turn on/off rendering of this light in rtworld 0 mode
realtimemode 1/0 turn on/off rendering of this light in rtworld 1 mode
(nothing) print light properties to console

The most important commands to remember are r_editlights, r_editlights_edit (color, realtimemode and radius arguments), and of course, r_editlights_save. You will not see your light and its effects in real time if you do not execute r_editlights_realtimemode 1 while having selected the light.

It is important to note that rtlights can put a serious drain on computers due to the way they work, and they should be used sparingly (don’t make an rtlight on every radiosity light, generally). However, they can easily be disabled from the client-side if a user’s machine cannot handle them.

Radiosity lights

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