Chat bot for VK social network that is able to perform simple tasks via plugins.
You provide login and password that are used to authenticate the application allowing access to messages and other stuff. Application listens to every event happening with specified account (currently only chat messages are handled). Bot answers in private or group chat to specific commands.
- Tubmlr - posts random picture from specified tumblr blog.
command. - Giphy - post random gif (or matching given keyword) from Giphy service.
/g <keyword>
command. - Stickers - posts random sticker from owned and predefined collection.
- Register a standalone application in VK
- Install Chrome driver and specify it's location in
file. - Create
file with following content<application id given by vk when registering an app>
bot.secret.key=<secret key given by vk when registering an app><bot's email or phone>
vk.user.password=<bot's password>
- Register Tumblr app to get secret and consumer keys and add tumblr blog.
- Get Giphy API key or use beta key dc6zaTOxFJmzC
- Add following to the
tumblr.consumer.secret=<tumblr secret>
tumblr.consumer.key=<tumblr customer key>
giphy.api.key=<giphy api key>