opusfile 0.8
The opusfile and opusurl libraries provide a high-level API for
decoding and seeking within .opus files on disk or over http(s).
opusfile depends on libopus and libogg.
opusurl depends on opusfile and openssl.
Changes since the v0.7 release:
- Add support for OpenSSL 1.1.x.
- Fix issues with tag parsing introduced in v0.7.
- Fix skip logic for multiplexed non-Opus data.
This release is backward-compatible with the previous
release. We recommend all users upgrade.
The library is functional, but there are likely issues
we didn't find in our own testing. Please give feedback
in #opus on irc.freenode.net or at [email protected].
Programming documentation is available in tree and online
at https://opus-codec.org/docs/