Automate Creation and Uploading of CyberPanel Backups to Google Drive using rclone and send email notifications.
Install and Setup SSMTP on CyberPanel Server Steps to install and configure SSMTP.
Clone this repo in /root directory of the server with directory name gdrive-backup-cyberpanel using following Command
git clone -b jbc+email gdrive-backup-cyberpanel
or you can use wget to download Zip Archive and Extract.
wget ''
unzip -j -d gdrive-backup-cyberpanel
- Run with Server Hostname, Host Node, Cron Job Time and email details as arguments.
cd gdrive-backup-cyberpanel
source "" "swift" "30 5 * * *" "[email protected]" "From: Backups[email protected]" "To: [email protected]" = Server's Hostname where Backup Script will run or Primary Domain Name
swift = Host Node name
30 5 * * * = Backup Upload Script will run daily @5:30 AM
[email protected] = Email address where notifications will be sent
'From: Backups[email protected]' = Email addresses of the SMTP Sender for setting headers
'To: [email protected]' = Email address of notification reciever for setting headers
source "" "swift" "30 5 * * *" "[email protected]" "From: Backups[email protected]" "To: [email protected]"
- rclone will ask to create a new remote. Make remote for Google drive with "gdrive" as remote name without qoutes.