This workflow downloads, verifies, and runs golangci/golangci-lint in a deterministic, easy to audit, and safe manner.
I'm not affiliated with golangci-lint project. You can sponsor them at:
Use this to avoid two problems:
- Bad practice of using curl-to-shell, which allows 3rd-party script to change without notice and execute.
- More time-consuming practice of reviewing and pinning golangci-lint-action requires:
- Reviewing each release of golangci-lint-action, which is relatively time-consuming.
- Pinning each release after reviewing the code.
With safer-gbolangci-lint.yml, you only need to update 2 variables when you want to use a newer golangci-lint:
- Version number of golangci-lint. E.g. "1.59.1".
- SHA-256 digest of golangci-lint-X.XX.X-linux-amd64.tar.gz. E.g. where "X.XX.X" is "1.59.1".
What you download and execute shouldn't be able to change at anytime without your review. Linting the same source code should produce deterministic results unless you choose to modify the workflow or linter settings.
Directly executing the output of curl, etc. without verifying the integrity of the downloaded script is risky. The Codecov bash script incident is an example of what can happen.
Everything you need to download, verify, and execute a verified file should be self-contained in your workflow and under your control.
Projects using safer-golangci-lint.yml:
100% of the script for downloading, verifying, and running golangci-lint is embedded in the workflow file. You can review it once and continuously use it knowing it won't be changed by a 3rd party unless you update the script yourself in your repo.
The embedded SHA-256 digest is used to verify the downloaded golangci-lint tarball (e.g. golangci-lint-1.56.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz). It matches the official checksums file at
More specifically, this workflow:
- Avoids downloading and executing unverified wrapper scripts.
See - Uses openssl instead of sha256sum because it's easier to change hash algo to BLAKE2s, SHA3-256, etc.
- Uses embedded SHA-256 because CHECKSUM file isn't digitally signed. The embedded SHA-256 matches the official CHECKSUM file and it cannot change without you change safer-golangci-lint.yml in your repo.
Step 1. Copy safer-golangci-lint.yml into [github_repo]/.github/workflows/
Step 2. There's no step 2 if you like the default settings.
You can use a config file (.golangci.yml) as described by the golangci-lint project.
Just copy the latest version of safer-golangci-lint.yml into your .github/workflows folder.
Or if you want to manually update, you can:
- specify new version number for
- specify new hash digest of tarball for
with SHA-256 from
- Bump golangci-lint to 1.59.1
- Update hash digest and URL for golangci-lint-1.59.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz SHA-256: c30696f1292cff8778a495400745f0f9c0406a3f38d8bb12cef48d599f6c7791
- safer-golangci-lint.yml (v1.59.1): f4922eb526cc00d89cc4dcf02c0abea67a83dce0986eca797d81563f5870fc36
- golangci-lint-1.59.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz: c30696f1292cff8778a495400745f0f9c0406a3f38d8bb12cef48d599f6c7791
Must match upstream SHA-256 in:
safer-golangci-lint is licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.
Copyright © 2021-2024 Montgomery Edwards⁴⁴⁸ (