The dynamodb-odm project is a node.js (server-side javascript) library for object data management for use with the Amazon Web Service (AWS) DynamoDB. DynamoDB is a noSQL scalable database solution. The library provides for a schema definition of data objects contained in the database for ease of interaction and validation.
var dynamodb = require('dynamodb-odm');
var Schema = dynamodb.Schema;
accessKeyId: '*************',
secretAccessKey: '*************',
endpoint: ''
}, 'test_');
var DogOwnerSchema = new Schema({
owner: {type: String, required: true, lowercase: true},
dog: String
var DogOwner = dynamodb.model("DogOwner",{hash: 'owner', range: 'dog'}, {}, DogOwnerSchema);
// make the table on Amazon
var NewDogOwner = new DogOwner({owner:'George', dog:'Bailey'});;
The Schema definitions are very similar to the mongoose semantics, except there is no support for sub-attributes. Although an attribute can be specified as an Object
type which will serialize the attribute value.
Supported Attribute Types
- Boolean
- Date - stored as UNIX timestamp in DynamoDB, but converted to JavaScript Date Object
- DateArray
- Number
- Boolean - native JavaScript type, stored as number in DynamoDB
- NumberArray
- String
- StringArray
- Object - A JSON object, this is serialized
Default Attribute Options
- a function to be called on the attribute value before casting and validation on save, insert or updateget
- a function to be called on the attribute value after querying the databasevalidate
- a function and description for validation[function(val){}, description]
, function should take one parameter and return Boolean, this is called last before storing in databasedefault
- a function or value to set the attribute if not setrequired
- (Boolean) flag to indicate that the attribute must be set before save or insertselect
- (Boolean) flag to indicate if the attribute should be selected by default, ignored for querysindex
- (Boolean) flag to indicate making the attribute a LSI rangeprojection
- (Array) list of projected attribute names to include in the LSI table, ignored ifindex
is unset or false
Special Options
- (Boolean) convert all value to lowercaseuppercase
- (Boolean) convert all value to uppercaseenum
- (Array) a list of possible values, applied as a validator
- (Number) value must be greater than or equalmax
- (Number) value must be less than or equal
- (Boolean) indicates the object should be compressed after serialization (to be implemented)
If you have several similar attributes that have shared setters/getters/validators it might be easiest to define it as a custom type.
Keep in mind that all attributes must be cast as a String or Number (or array of either) to be stored in DynamoDB, but you can use a getter to convert it back to your desired type. This is how Boolean, Date, DateArray and Object are supported.
Here is an example showing how to attach setter, getter, or validator functions (see the attribute option descriptions for set, get and validate above for an explaination of what they do).
dynamodb.Schema.Types.myType = {
name: 'myType',
caster: String,
option_handler: function(self){
// default options
// alter value
return altered_value;
// alter value
return altered_value;
function (val){
// some condition the value must meet
return conditional;
"Text description of validation"
// handle options specified in schema
return val.toLowerCase();
- creates the DynamoDB tableupdate
- updates attributes for a given hashKeygetItem
) - gets an item by hash and rangequery
) - queries a hash bucket on range or LSI
High level wrapper for DynamoDB API method CreateTable. Creates the DynamodDB table based on the model schema definition.
The table will not be avaliable imediately and can take up to a minute to initialize.
- {write: X, read: Y}
default is {read:2, write:1}
- function(err, tableDetails) err is set if an error occured
Updates selected attributes of a document. This is a high level wrapper on the DynamoDB API method UpdateItem.This is similar to the mongoose sematics but unlike mongoose the middleware (setters, validation) is applied because some of the attribute types, while native to JavaScript, are DynamoDB pseudo-types that have to be cast to the DynamoDB supported types.
- the hash and range of the document to be updated, i.e. {id:1234,username:'george'}
- a dictionary of attributes and updated values or action and sub-dictionary and attribute/value
{ last_login:, $add: { succesful_logins: 1 } }
**Supported Actions** * `$put` (`$set`) - inserts or replaces attribute value, this is the default action * `$add` (`$inc`) - this is an atomic update that will add the value to the attributes current value, if the attribute doesn't exist it will set it to 0 and increment from there. * `$del` - deletes the attribute
- function(err,res,cap)
err will be null if the call completed succesfully. Otherwise it can be a AWS API error, validation error, or 'Undefined document attribute' if trying to update an attribute not included in the schema. Currently sucessful responses returns no data, but the API supports various returned data.
Alternate method name: Model.findOneById()
Wraps the DynamoDB API method GetItem
- the hash and range of the document to be updated, i.e. {id:1234,username:'george'}
- {attributesToGet, consistentRead}
see API method documentation for description
- function(err,res,cap)
err will be null if the call completed succesfully. Otherwise it can be a AWS API error.
Alternate method name: Model.find()
Queries the table based on the hash and range or LSI and condition. Wraps DynamoDB API method Query.
The option indexName
does not have to be specified if using an LSI index specified in the schema.
- the hash, and range or LSI and condition of the documents to be found, i.e.
{ forum_id:12, comments: {GT:5} }
**Supported conditions** EQ | LE | LT | GE | GT | BEGINS_WITH | BETWEEN For detailed descriptions see the [API method documentation](
- {attributesToGet, limit, consistentRead, count, scanIndexForward, exclusiveStartKey, indexName}
see API method documentation for description
- function(err,res,cap)
err will be null if the call completed succesfully. Otherwise it can be a AWS API error.
- replaces or inserts documentinsert(callback)
- same assave
but fails with error 'ConditionalCheckFailedException' if the hash and range aren't unique.