cdk project with codepipeline to deploy aws resources to stage accounts
see also
you can test the project also in just one account.
in this case your toolchain account and one stage account will be in the same account.
define in the cdk.json for all 4 accounts the same account.
You should only test with the Prod Pipeline in this scenario, it will only deploy to one account ( which can be the same as your toolchain account)
If you want to test with Dev/QA Pipeline:
The dev/qa pipeline is supposed to deploy to 2 different accounts, if both account numbers are equal, don't confirm the manual
approval step for QA after deploying Dev. This wouldn't work.
requirements.txt ( the main python file for the cdk commands, creates the Pipeline Stack)
generic/infrastructure ( generic cdk classes and constructs to reuse in other projects)
generic/infrastructure/tests ( cdk tests for this folder)
infrastructure ( project specific cdk classes and constructs)
infrastructure/tests ( cdk tests for this folder)
infrastructure/lambdas/tests ( lambda tests)
create github app connection in AWS Toolchain Account in the codepipeline
adapt the cdk.json for your accounts, also codestar connection url adapt branch names etc
create your own stacks and add to infrastructure folder, add to AppDeploy, write tests
deploy the 3 roles to dev, qa and prod
bootstrap the toolchain & stage accounts with toolchain credentials cdk bootstrap --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess aws://xxxxxx/sa-east-1
other accounts (dev, int , qa) with stage credentials, first account is toolchain , second stage account cdk bootstrap --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess --trust xxxxx aws://xxxx/sa-east-1
cdk deploy cdk-pipeline
cdk deploy cdk-pipeline-prod
now the pipeline should be ready and will be triggered on any push to the repo
pytest -vvvv -s generic/infrastructure/tests pytest -vvvv -s infrastructure/tests
pytest -vvvv -s infrastructure/lambdas/tests
only dummy tests in this example
only dummy tests in this example