This application is only for study. Built using Laravel and Vuejs.
Please make sure you have installed PHP and mysql beforehand. This application need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
1. PHP >= 7.0.0
2. OpenSSL PHP Extension
3. PDO PHP Extension
4. Mbstring PHP Extension
5. Tokenizer PHP Extension
6. XML PHP Extension
Then clone this application.
via https
git clone
or via ssh
git clone [email protected]:wisnuvb/e-Library-Web-Application.git
Then change the .env.example file to .env and adjust the database connection in it. The default database (MySQL) uses the name "perpus". Please create a database first before installing other dependencies.
After the database has been created, proceed to install dependencies, migrate the DB structure and seed the dummy user data.
composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
Next, please check the database for the email created, the default password is 'secret'.