This job will run fastp on Hydra in a loop and trim user-provided genomic raw reads. Trimmed reads will be outputed to a directory named 'fastp_trimmed'. To run the script see 'To Run this Job' below.
# ----------------Parameters---------------------- #
#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -pe mthread 6
#$ -q sThC.q
#$ -l mres=6G,h_data=1G,h_vmem=1G
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -N fastp_loop
#$ -o fastp_loop.log
# ----------------Modules------------------------- #
module load bio/fastp
# ----------------Your Commands------------------- #
echo + `date` job $JOB_NAME started in $QUEUE with jobID=$JOB_ID on $HOSTNAME
# Create output directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p fastp_trimmed
# Set sample directory path to raw reads
SAMPLEDIR_RAW="path to raw reads"
# Set sample directory path to base project directory
SAMPLEDIR_BASE="path to base project directory"
# Loop over each R1 file matching the pattern
for GETSAMPLENAME in ${SAMPLEDIR_RAW}/*_R1_001.fastq.gz; do
# Check if the file exists to avoid errors
if [ ! -f "$GETSAMPLENAME" ]; then
echo "No R1 file found for processing in $SAMPLEDIR."
SAMPLENAME=$(basename "$GETSAMPLENAME" _R1_001.fastq.gz)
# Construct R2 file path
# Check if R2 file exists
if [ ! -f "$R2_FILE" ]; then
echo "Warning: R2 file ${R2_FILE} not found for sample ${SAMPLENAME}. Skipping."
# Run fastp with specified parameters
fastp \
-i "$SAMPLEDIR_RAW/${SAMPLENAME}_R1_001.fastq.gz" \
-I "$SAMPLEDIR_RAW/${SAMPLENAME}_R2_001.fastq.gz" \
-o "${SAMPLEDIR_BASE}/fastp_trimmed/${SAMPLENAME}_R1_PE_trimmed.fastq.gz" \
-O "${SAMPLEDIR_BASE}/fastp_trimmed/${SAMPLENAME}_R2_PE_trimmed.fastq.gz" \
--unpaired1 "${SAMPLEDIR_BASE}/fastp_trimmed/${SAMPLENAME}_R0_SE_trimmed.fastq.gz" \
--unpaired2 "${SAMPLEDIR_BASE}/fastp_trimmed/${SAMPLENAME}_R0_SE_trimmed.fastq.gz" \
-h "${SAMPLEDIR_BASE}/fastp_trimmed/${SAMPLENAME}_fastp.html" \
-j "${SAMPLEDIR_BASE}/fastp_trimmed/${SAMPLENAME}_fastp.json" \
-l 30 -f 3 -F 3 -t 2 -T 2 \
--cut_tail --cut_tail_window_size 5 --cut_tail_mean_quality 15 \
--trim_poly_g \
--adapter_fasta /scratch/nmnh_lab/macdonaldk/primers/itru_adapters.fa \
--thread "$NSLOTS"
echo = `date` job $JOB_NAME done
The raw read files must end in '_R1_001_fastq.gz' (forward) and '_R2_001_fastq.gz' (reverse) for the script to work. Alternatively, the job file can be edited to match the file names of the R1 and R2 reads.
Edit these items in the job file:
- SAMPLEDIR_RAW="path to raw reads"
After the '=' copy full path to the directory that contains the raw reads.
- SAMPLEDIR_BASE="path to base project directory"
After the '=' copy the full path to the base directory. This is the directory where the job file is located.
After the job is edited save it as 'fastp_loop.job' and run the job on hydra (qsub fastp_loop.job).