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Serverless microservice setup

full workflow

This project was bootstrapped with Create Serverless Stack. Quite heavily adapted though, for personal microservice setup on AWS with github actions CI/CD.

An example is explained in separate readme doc here

How to use

Basic steps to get going:

  1. Setup a new local repo with a clone of this template
    • create a new folder on your machine
    • open terminal in that folder
    • clone this repo: git clone .
    • remove the .git folder
    • git init
  2. Set the name of your own package
    • open package.json and change the name of your service, and version number
    • also change the name in sst.json - this will be used in all infra stacks (lambda etc)
  3. Initial commit (locally) , via vscode direct, or
    • git add .
    • git commit -m "Initial commit"
  4. Create the remote origin - via vscode direct, or
    • on github site, create a new repo
    • locally: git remote add origin [your new github repo url]
    • git push -u --force origin main
    • best to create a public repo, if you want free use of GitKraken to view branche structure
    • vscode publishing will not trigger workflow, subsequent commits will. Their test runs will fail until secrets are set
  5. Set the secrets
    • following secrets need to be set in github repo
      • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID to allow deployment to AWS and set permission to access other services
      • SECRET_PUBLISH_TOKEN: Basic token used to publish dependencies to a common shared service
      • NPM_TOKEN: Token to allow publication of client npm package to npm registry
    • local .env file will need (for local testing)
      • STAGE=dev
  6. Customize setup to pass initial test rounds
    • rename npm folder, to prevent publish to npm
    • build initial AWS stack
      • modify 1 of the stack files in stacks/ folder
      • modify index.js in this folder
    • rework tests
    • commit again and sync to remote

Why this template?

The general idea is that a microservice

  • exposes APIs (AWS API Gateway and Lambda) on various routes
  • may have Lambda functions that subscribe to other SNS topics or creates internal SQS queues connected to topics
  • may publish 1 or more (SNS) topics, for other services to subscribe to
  • has exclusive access to some database (AWS DynamoDB)
  • may publish a public npm package with a client SDK, that other microservices can install to access the microservice
    • for exposing access to other services, using the client is mandatory. Because the client is a dependency, the published dependency tree will always reflect consumers/users of the service
  • includes a github action workflow, that runs tests and deploys (only if on branch main or dev)
  • the workflow also calls a public API, to publish all dependencies

This template contains all the basics, for posting (and retrieving) microservice dependencies. Inner workings described in another readme doc.

APIs and Event streams

The microservice is responsible for:

  • Expose APIs to read/ write to database, and to post commands to the SQS queue, for async processing.
    • async queue APIs should have route format like /normal/route/async/
  • Setup SNS topic as output to publish internal events, for other services to subscribe to
  • Setup SQS queue as input for other services to post commands to, and setup function to consume commands
  • Setup SQS queues as output for e.g. dead letter queues
  • Publish a client that allows other services to connect (to dev and prod versions)
    • to subscribe to the published SNS topic - includes name/ endpoint
    • to post commands to SQS queue - includes queue name/endpoint and input validation

It is up to the processing (receiving) microservice to

  • connect to external SNS topic(s) or SQS queues to consume events
  • (optionally) setup an SQS queue connected to the SNS topic to consume events

Service structure

Service structure is typically as follows microservice structure


  • Only 1 version of npm package is available, published from main branch. Stage (dev or prod) can be passed as a parameter to most functions exposed in package.
  • Some private functions may be exposed in npm package too. The consuming service needs to have sufficient authorization to access the infrastructure (database, queues etc) from these clients.
    • advantage is that services on the same (AWS) infrastructure can access each other within the infrastructure - calling AWS.lambda.invoke(), without the detour through public access
    • normal use case would be synchronous calls, where the consumer cares about the response from the lambda function
  • Even if consuming services only call public API Endpoints - typical for front-end services, it is still recommended to use the public npm client for this. This ensures proper registration of dependencies.

Folder structure

│   └───workflows/
│       └───testPublishDeploy.yml
│   ├───arns.js
│   ├───functions.js
│   ├───index.js
│   ├───package.json
│   └───urls.js
│   ├───libs/
│   │   └───dynamo-lib.js
│   ├───create.js
│   ├───get.js
│   └───queueConsumer.js
│   └───stackdef.png
│   ├───apiStack.js
│   └───index.js
│   ├───post-deploy/
│   ├───post-deploy-with-updates/
│   └───pre-deploy/

Notes to this structure

  • .github/workflows/testPublishDeploy.yml contains (github) CI/CD workflow for deploying to dev or prod, and to publish any npm package on client side (if the npm folder exists)
  • npm/ contains the client package to published
  • src/ service core code/ business logic
  • stackdef/ is optional, in this example contains png picture of service structure - use npm package stack-graph to create these
  • stacks/ infrastructure-as-code setup of the AWS architecture of the service - will be deployed by CI/CD action workflow only if branch is main (to prod) or dev (to dev)
  • test/ contains all tests (duh). Naming is relevant for CI/CD workflow see below

Naming conventions

  • Service name (name in root package.json) should be of format [project]-[service]
    • sst serverless will automatically prepend [stage]- before the service name upon deployment in infra stack - for API Gateway, Lambda functions, Dynamo tables, Queues, Cloudwatch etc)
    • for Lambda functions, sst serverless will append [method] after function name
  • Stack names (inside sst stack code) ideally have simple names, like table (for DynamoDb) or queue (for SQS), api (for API gateway and lambda functions)
    • no need to duplicate the service name. And in deployment, service name will be added anyway.
    • this also makes referencing in the code easier
    • for multiple same-type stacks, prepend with a short qualifier, in with dashes. E.g. simple-topic and versioned-topic
    • for dead letter queues or failure queues, include dlq or failover in the queue name
  • Client package name (to be published on npm) should be of format @owner/[project]-[service]-client
    • set in package.json in /npm folder

Environment variables

Github repo needs to have the following secrets - they are accessed and used by the github workflow (in .github/workflows)

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID to allow deployment to AWS and set permission to access other services
  • SECRET_PUBLISH_TOKEN: Basic token used to publish dependencies to a common shared service
  • NPM_TOKEN: Token to allow publication of client npm package to npm registry

THIS SHOULD BE UPDATED maybe more In the .github/workflows yml doc, the following env var for publishing dependencies

  • this one you can delete: DEV_PUBLISH_ENDPOINT: hardcoded url of API endpoint to publish dependencies - only used for the dependency-service
  • should stay in: PROD_PUBLISH_ENDPOINT: url for dependencies when on main branch (= prod stage) Your service will always publish to the prod endpoint. Also when on dev branch.
  • you should also change the other dev_publish references to prod_publish

Other environment variables in backend functions can only be set in stack definition. E.g. the dynamoDb tablename needs to be set in API Gateway for the handler function to access process.env.TABLE_NAME. And all stack entities (tables, queues, etc) should be set as environment variables, because the name depends on the stage (dev or prod).

Service client setup

Client packages are published to npm with public access. They expose:

urls.js file, which exports a default object, containing endpoint urls, structured as follows

  • properties for each endpoint, named in camelCase in the format [method][route], e.g. putAsync

arns.js file, exposing lambda arns in the same way. For setting permissions. Typically for sns topics to publish to.
functions.js, which exposes invoke[FunctionName] style functions for lambda invocation.

  • All functions in client will expect process.env.STAGE to be set (to either prod or dev). This env variable is set inside the CI/CD deployment flow, but you will need to set it in the function environment variables - typically api stack - as STAGE: process.env.STAGE

so they can be used like this

// consumer.js
import apiUrls from '@wintvelt/spqr-albums-client/urls'
import { invokePut } from '@wintvelt/spqr-albums-client/functions'

const url = apiUrls.getAlbumsId[process.env.STAGE]

let fetchResult
try {
    fetchResult = await axios(url+'/albumId1234')
} catch (error) {

const [error, invokeResult] = await invokePut(myEvent)
if (error) throw new Error("error")

client package content example:

// urls.js
export default {
    getAlbumsId: {
        dev: 'https://aws/route/to/some/endpoint',
        prod: 'https://aws/route/to/some/other/endpoint',


The test directory contains tests. For CI/CD it has the following structure:

  • pre-deploy: these tests will run before deployment. They should not access any deployed infra. So e.g. business logic only. If any test fails, the updates will not be deployed.
  • post-deploy: these are tests that access the deployed infrastructure, for reading. These will run only after the new stack has been deployed, either to dev or prod stage.
  • post-deploy-with-updates: tests that perform updates on the deployed stack. These will only run when deployment is to dev. As additional safety measure, any tests in this folder should have logic to skip the test if the stage=prod

In CI/CD, Post-deployment tests run after deployment and after publishing, so if any of them fail

  • the dependencies will still be published
  • but any changes to the npm package will not be published to npm
  • and any updates to stack output variables will not be pushed to the repo

If you run tests locally with npx sst test, all tests will be run.


Typically 5xx internal server errors inside the function will be posted to the Cloudwatch logs.

Other types of errors, including e.g. failed input validation, unauthorized access etc are typically 4xx errors. These will not be captured in function logs, but in other Cloudwatch logs for API gateways - named aws/vendedlogs/... from sst-serverless stack

Setting up metrics and alerts in Cloudwatch requires manual setup in the AWS Console. Rough steps:

  • create a new dashboard
  • add a widget with stats (line graph for example)
  • add metrics for the API

NB: You need to lookup the API based on the API Id. The name of the api is unfortunately not set in Cloudwatch. ID can be found in the (stage)-stack-output.json files. They are the 10 character codes in front of the .execute-api part in the urls of the endpoints.

Another annoyance is that every time the stack is removed and rebuilt (sometimes necessary due to stack dependencies), you need to manually updated Cloudwatch dashboard too.

Lumigo for observability

This template uses Lumigo to observe the stack. All stacks that include functions have the following snippet included:

        this.getAllFunctions().forEach(fn =>
            cdk.Tags.of(fn).add("lumigo:auto-trace", "true")

Which will automatically enable functions for Lumigo tracing. An account on Lumigo needs to be set up first for this to work.


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