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Releases: willybrauner/interpol

@wbe/[email protected]

02 Feb 16:48
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Patch Changes

  • 7ac5c12: fix: Interpol & Timeline reverse Promise

    play and reverse before the end of the play. The reverse promise was non-existent.
    The expected behavior is to get a a reverse promise who resolve when the reserve() is complete.


    const duration = 1000
    const itp = new Interpol({ duration })
    await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, duration / 2))
    await itp.reverse()
    console.log("reverse complete") // bug: was called before the reverse end


    const duration = 1000
    const itp = new Interpol({ duration })
    await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, duration / 2))
    await itp.reverse()
    console.log("reverse complete") // is called when reverse is complete

@wbe/[email protected]

10 Jan 20:33
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Patch Changes

  • 8470e1a: Add missing description & author in package.json

@wbe/[email protected]

08 Jan 16:02
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Minor Changes

  • c80c9cf: ## Back to basic Interpol instance functionalities

    The library has started to shift in size and maintenance away from its original purpose. Everything related to DOM processing will be removed from the Interpol instance. The use of Interpol for DOM manipulation is still available and the purpose of the library is still there, but it needs to be managed manually. Interpol needs to be kept as low-level as possible to allow anyone to implement a wrapper based on their needs.

    These breaking changes will make the API more predictable and focus on what this library is for, which is interpolating sets of values.

    Breaking changes

    • [ Breaking changes ] Remove props object constructor params, keep only ...props. In order to simplify the usage of props, a unique way to declare props is now "inline props" on the root constructor.


    new Interpol({
      props: {
        x: [0, 1],


    new Interpol({
      x: [0, 1],
    • [ Breaking change ] Remove unit from props. Callback returns only number prop, units will be added by styles for basic. Props units are linked to a DOM manipulation. As others dom subjects, it have been remove from the API.


    new Interpol({
      props: {
        x: [0, 1, "px"],
        y: { from: 0, to: 10, unit: "px" },


    new Interpol({
     x: [0, 1],
     y: [0, 1]
     onUpdate: ({.x,y })=> {
       // props returned are always `number`
       // merge manually your unit to the value if needed
    • [ Breaking change ] el property has been removed from the constructor.


    // el style was automatically set
    new Interpol({
      el: document.querySelector("div"),
      props: {
        x: [0, 1, "px"],


    new Interpol({
      x: [0, 1],
      onUpdate: ({ x }) => {
        // always set manually the interpolate value on the DOM
        // No magic, more predictible
        document.querySelector("div").style.transform = `translateX(${x}px)`


    • [ Feature ] Improve styles function with autoUnits
      A 3th autoUnits param as been added to styles() function.
    declare const styles: (
      element: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[] | Record<any, number> | null,
      props: Record<string, string | number>,
      autoUnits: boolean = true,
    ) => void
    new Interpol({
      x: [0, 1],
      onUpdate: ({ x }) => {
        // x is a number, and translateX need to be a 'px'.
        // style will automatically set 'px' on selected properties if a number is set as param.
        styles(element, { x })
        // `translate3d(${x}px, 0px, 0px)`
        // we can disable autoUnits if needed
        styles(element, { x }, false)
        // `translate3d(${x}, 0px, 0px)`

    - [x] fix props key types

    • update Interpol / Timeline tests
    • update examples
    • update de documentation

@wbe/[email protected]

05 Jan 22:31
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Minor Changes

  • 042be0d: in addition to having an effect on the duration of the interpolation, InterpolOptions.durationFactor impact now delay & offset too.

    First, set new values on global options:

    InterpolOptions.durationFactor = 1000
    InterpolOptions.duration = 1 // default duration

    InterpolOptions.durationFactor as effect on interpol delay property:

    new Interpol({
      // will wait 100ms before start
      delay: 0.1,

    InterpolOptions.durationFactor as effect on Timeline add() offset params:

    const tl = new Timeline({
      onComplete: (time) => {
        console.log(time) // 300
    tl.add({ duration: 0.2 })
    // start .1 after the first add
    // .1 is the offset of 100ms if global durationFactor is set to 1000
    tl.add({ duration: 0.2 }, 0.1)

@wbe/[email protected]

03 Jan 23:50
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Minor Changes

  • 292d244: Set a new the global durationFactor for each Interpol instances.
    It makes the Interpol usage more closer to gsap, if needed:

    import { Interpol, InterpolOptions } from "@wbe/interpol"
    // set a new global durationFactor
    InterpolOptions.durationFactor = 1000 // second
    new Interpol({
      duration: 1, // 1 = one second
      onComplete: (_, time) => {
        console.log(time) // 1000

@wbe/[email protected]

03 Jan 22:29
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Minor Changes

  • 17b0d4f: Interpol constructor accept inline props! Object props still working for Backward Compatibility.

    new Interpol({
          // Old object props remains available
          props: {
            x: 100,
            y: -100,
            // (will be overrided by inline props)
            top: -2000,
          // NEW! inline props works outside the props object
          top: [0, 100],
          left: [-100, 100, "px"],
          onComplete: ({ x, y, top, left }) => {

@wbe/[email protected]

28 Dec 16:52
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Minor Changes

  • dc0f568: Use the initial Interpol ticker instance for all raf callback of the application.

    A new second param rank: number is added to add() method. It allows to choose in each order, the callback handker need to be executed. In this exemple, this one is second position, because Interpol ranking is 0

    import { InterpolOptions } from "@wbe/interpol"
    const tickHandler = (t) => console.log(t)
    const rank = 1
    InterpolOptions.ticker.add(tickHandler, rank)
    // ...

    Using a new ticker instance for all the application:

    import { Ticker, InterpolOptions } from "@wbe/interpol"
    // disable the default Interpol ticker
    // create a new ticker instance
    const ticker = new Ticker()
    // Add manually the raf method to the callback list of the new ticker
    const interpolTick = (t) => {
    ticker.add(interpolTick, 0)
    // Add a new callback to this same ticker instance on rank '1'
    const scrollerTick = (t) => {
      // ....
    ticker.add(scrollerTick, 1)

@wbe/[email protected]

09 Aug 09:41
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Patch Changes

  • 481f5e6: add exports types

    • To export the correct cjs and esm builds, add the exports field in package.json.
    • bump all dependencies to their last version

@wbe/[email protected]

09 May 12:05
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Minor Changes

  • 288c914: Fix: seek multiple times on the same progress

    Goal is to test if the onUpdate callback is called when we seek to the same progress value multiple times in a row.

    Use case example :

    Practical example is when we have to playIn a wall and seek it without transition duration to a specific value when the browser is resized. This situation can now be resolve with this dummy code:

    const itp = new Interpol({
      immediateRender: true,
      paused: true,
      el: wall,
      props: {
        x: {
          from: () => -innerWidth * 0.9,
          to: 0,
          unit: "px",
    let isVisible = false;
    button?.addEventListener("click", () => {
      isVisible = !isVisible;
      isVisible ? : itp.reverse();
    window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
      // the position depends on innerWidth, so we have to re computed this prop value
      // seek to progress `0`;
      isVisible = false;

    timeline refreshComputedValues

    Add refreshComputedValues() method on Timeline instance. It will refresh computed values of each adds.

    const tl = new Timeline();

@wbe/[email protected]

08 May 06:28
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Minor Changes

  • c275500: Refresh computed values before timeline add() starts.

    Goal of this PR is to update an external variable on the first add() onUpdate and reused it as "from" of the second add(). It will work if "from" of the second add() is a computed value. Behind the scene, we re-execute refreshComputedValues() juste before the add() starts.

    let EXTERNAL_X = 0;
      ease: "",
      props: {
        x: [0, 100],
      onUpdate: ({ x }) => {
        // Mute the external value
        EXTERNAL_X = x;
      props: {
        // Use the updated external value as computed value
        x: [() => EXTERNAL_X, 50],
      onUpdate: ({ x }) => {
        // x will be interpolated from 100 to 50

    In order to test this new functionality, the full Interpol Instance is now exposed from each Interpol Callbacks. It allows you to access additional properties like props computeds etc.

      props: {
        x: [0, 100],
      onUpdate: ({ x }, time, progress, instance) => {
        // instance is available