Our process starts with Arduino Sensors connected to a Rasberry Pi. Python and C++ programs on the Pi send real-time sensor data to AWS Cloud services. From there, the React DApp subscribes to that data, in near real-time. If SMOKE and TEMPERATURE levels breach the threshold defined for this specifc geographical area and Smart Contract, Ethereum will be deployed to the Disaster Response teams to rememediate the natural disaster.
You will not be able to view the site unless you have a MetaMask plugin enabled. For those that don't, here is a screenshot. Also, the real-time updates of our Raspberrys will likely stop updating in January 2020, it costs several bucks a month to feed IoT data to AWS every few seconds.
git clone [email protected]:willwillis/Disaster-Insurance-Ethereum-dApp.git
cd Disaster-Insurance-Ethereum-dApp
truffle compile
compile all .sol contracts in this folder structuretruffle migrate
Deploys to the networktruffle build
Builds everything to the front-end folder- Fund the contract (currently <> with some wei)
npm install
pulls down dependent javascript librariesnpm run start
starts local server
npm run build
builds a deployable release of the DAappnpm run deploy
given our conig, this deploys to github pages
- Ethereum Blockchain
- Ganache
- Truffle
- Solidity
- AWS AppSync
- AWS Lambda
- AWS DynamoDB
- Google Cloud Platform - Maps
- React
- npm
- yarn
- Python
- Raspberry Pi
- Git
- Github
- Github Pages
- MetaMask
- GraphQL
- AWS Cognito
- Arduino
- JavaScript
- Web3
- Bootstrap