Final project for 3901. A peer evaluation tool based on past ways of evaluating team members for 3901.
- Clone repo.
- Run "bundle".
- Run "yarn install --check-files" to get necessary node_modules.
- Use Node v12.22.5 and yarn 1.22.11 if you run into an issue here.
- Ensure you have ruby 2.7.0 installed. If not, use this to do so:
- Ensure that a recent version of rails is installed (tested on rails
- Run "rails server", then go to https://localhost/3000 to view the site.
- If you recieve "show-stopper" errors, try running these commands: "bundle clean --force" and then "bundle install --without production"
- We reccomend preloading users with the seed file
- To do so run: rails db:reset
- Adding more accounts with sign-up:
- User info needed: name, email and password
- Admin info needed: name, email, password, and institution name
- Institutions must be hardcoded into the DB
- The seed file has: 'OSU', 'LSU', and 'Xichigan'
- Type one of these strings in when you sign up as an admin (It should ask you to authorize)
- Note that if you do not authorize with an institution, you can do so later and an account will still be present for you before verification
- Account is the hub of the web application. It's a snapshot of information pertinant to you. It alows the user to edit information related to them.
- The user will see: enrolled courses, teams, administrators, and peer evaluations
- The admin will see: managed courses, managed teams, co-administrators, and peer evaluations
- The courses tab allows users to find new courses and enroll in them. Admins can simply add new courses.
- The teams tab allows users to view the teams and projects they have been assigned to. In addition admins have complete control of editing teams and projects.
- To start a peer evaluation you have to view a team and then view an associated project.
- This can be done quickly thru the 'Account' tab, or more slowly thru the 'Team' tab.
- There are three states to the peer evaluations:
- (Blank): It has not been started.
- Pending: Waiting for feedback.
- Completed: Recieved feedback.
- You will likely find the links on the dashboard/account page to be most intuitive
- if you ever get lost, click the "Account" button in the header of the page
- Also, see the "Routes Reference" section below
- We set it up so users are the only ones able to add themselves to classes.
- This was intentional so that admins do not need to go through and manually enter each student.
- Admins do however, create teams and assign users there as well as manually start peer evaluation sessions
- Seperate admin interface:
- Admins can view scores given to teams and students related to peer evaluations for multiple projects.
- Admins initiate peer evaluation availability.
- Admins can create classes and teams.
- Students have a way to add peer evaluations for multiple projects for each student.
- Authentication, login, and accounts prevent students from accessing admin features.
- Students can add and drop classes at will.
- The login system is done using bcrypt.
- Institutions verfication for the admins.
- An access denied page when trying to visit pages a visitor shouldn't. (usually)
- Changing enrollment. Students might add or drop the course.
- Support for multiple group structures. A student may belong to multiple groups simultaneously.
- Admin dashboard to monitor submission of peer evaluations.
Markdown Compilation for home page:
Tutorial code emulated primarily for User model and authentication systems:
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial, 6th Edition - Michael Hartl
Illustration on home page:
- Profile images
- Public profiles
- Greater security and email validation, especially for institution validation
- Course code and search functionality for users and admins
If you get really lost, here are the urls directly:
- '/' or '/home' - The homepage
- '/login' - The login page
- '/logout' - Internal use only, but a user can manually log out by navigating to this page
- '/sign_up' - The sign up page for "student" users
- '/sign_up/instructors' - The sign up page for "admin" users
- '/sign_up/institution_auth' - The institution authentication page once an admin has been created
- '/about' - A page displaying this readme
- '/courses/add' - for admins, allows them to create a course
- '/courses' - Lists all courses available to enroll in as a user
- '/users/{user id}' - The account page for a user (only viewable if logged in)
- '/teams/{team id}' - The team page for a user (if allowed to be viewed)