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Liam Fruzyna edited this page Jan 27, 2024 · 1 revision

WildRank currently contains 7 different result analysis modes.

Team Rankings

The team ranking page assists a user in ranking teams based off a selection of metrics. The team rank, number, and value are displayed on the left and more team details, as well as, controls are on the right.


The side-by-side page compares 2 teams summary results. A left and right team may be selected on the left by first selecting the side then the team number. The team avatars, numbers, and names are displayed, plus their rank and record if available. Then the desired summary statisic may be selected and whether the result values should be scaled to the metrics maximum values or only relative to the other team. At the bottom is a table of metrics. The value for each team is displayed on the team's side of the metric and a bar showing scale if the metric is numeric. At the very bottom of the page there is a mini-picklist bar for managing picklists as data is viewed. The team avatar, number, and name are displayed followed by rank and record if available. Then the selected metrics for the current team, all teams, and the proportion between the two if two metrics are selected. There are 3 ways metrics can be selected below the teams values. A single metric can be chosen, 2 metrics can be chosen if "vs" form where the first is out of the first plus the second, as well as, "out of" form where the first is divided by the second. Below the metric selection there are options to choose the summary statistic used, reverse the order of the list, and save the list to a picklist.


The results page allows the user to select an individual result for the current mode, which can also be filtered at the top of the right panel. Then summary info of the match and/or team is displayed before the complete result data in table for. Averages are also provided for all team, match, event, and scouter results. These cells may be colored to show the current results value relative to them.

Team Overview

The team overview page lets a user select a team on the left and view a summary of the team on the right. Simple data such as team avatar, number, name, and location is displayed. If event data has been pulled since compitition has begun, rank and record are displayed as well. If a picture has been taken of the robot it is shown as well as a combination of all notes taken on the robot during competition. At the end of the page a table of results is displayed for pit scouting and all matches. If the result has not been produced, there will be an option to scout in its place. If it does exist there will be a button to view the results. For each match displayed if event data contains it, match time and score will be displayed between the match button. At the very bottom of the page there is a mini-picklist bar for managing picklists as data is viewed.

Match Overview

The match overview page lets a user select a match on the left and view a summary of the match on the right. If event data has been pulled since the match has run the score is displayed, otherwise just match number and time is displayed. At the end of the page a table of results is displayed for note scouting and all teams in the match. If the result has not been produced, there will be an option to scout in its place. If it does exist there will be a button to view the results.

User Overview

The user overview page allows an lead scouter to view a summary of each user who has created results. When a scouter ID is selected on the left 3 columns are produced on the right for the user's pit, match, and note results. At the top of the column there will be a summary containing the number of results, mean delay between expected match start and actual, as well as the mean scouting duration. These stats are then displayed for each scouted result, plus a button to view each result.

Pivot Table

The pivot table page allows a user to compare summary results for each scouted team using a selection of metrics. The metrics are displayed on the left and may be multi-selected. The table of metrics vs teams is displayed on the right and options to change the summary statistic and to export the table to a CSV file. Each cell is colors relative to the total value and the min and max values for an individual result. Teams can be filtered by creating a pick list and selecting it at the top left corner. Meta values are not displayed.

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