- Udacity Project 1: Movie Trailer Website - using Python
This project will build a Movie Trailer Website where users can see my favorite movies and watch the trailers. The code stores a list of movie titles, poster images, and movie trailer URLs. This information is displayed on a web page and allow users to review the movies and watch the trailers.
This Movie Trailer Website Project#1 consists of 3 Python version 2.7.9 files that store a list of movies titles, along with its respective box art imagery and movie trailer website.
The Movie Class in the media.py module creates a data structure to store your favorite movies, including movie title, box art URL (or poster URL) and a YouTube link to the movie trailer.
The entertainment_center.py file creates multiple instances of that Movie Class to represent your favorite movies and groups all the instances together in a list.
The Python module called fresh_tomatoes.py has a function called open_movies_page that takes in one argument, which is a list of movies and creates an HTML file which visualizes all of your favorite movies.
within the download you'll find the following files:
- media.py
- entertainment_center.py
- fresh_tomatoes.py
- README.txt
Have a bug or a feature request? Please open an issue.
This Movie-Trailer-Website documentation, included in this repo in the root directory, is built with Python version 2.7.9.
The docs may also be run locally.
- If necessary, install Python version 2.7.9
- From the root /Movie-Trailer-Website directory, run entertainment_center.py in the command line
- The program will open a browser windows and display the movie posters ready to be clicked for a movie trailer playback
Wilber Hernandez
- github.com/wilberh
- twitter.com/wilberh
- linkedin.com/in/wilberh