log2curl is a tool that transforms logs on AWS Cloud Watch to cURL command easily with query ID(AWS given). Something needs to be done before running this script:
- Retrieve query-id with start-query via AWS CLI or API
- Define the patterns to render cURL command
There are several way to retrieve query-id (e.g, CLI, API, SDK). Here is an example to retrieve query-id via aws-cli.
aws logs start-query --log-group-names "/aws/apigateway/welcome" "/aws/lambda/Test01" \
--start-time 1598936400000 --end-time 1611464400000 --query-string "fields @timestamp, @message"
curl -o log2curl -L https://github.com/whyayen/log2curl/raw/main/bin/log2curl-arm64-darwin
# change permission
chmod +x ./log2curl
Assume we have some logs on Cloud Watch. We get query results like below format when we search on Log Insights page on AWS Console or AWS CLI:
"method": "GET",
"headers.scheme": "https",
"host": "api.example.com",
"path": "/users",
"headers.Authorization": "Bearer abcdef12345",
"parameters.user": "Lil Wayne",
"parameters.page": "1",
"parameters.per_page": "20"
And we have a query-id from executing aws logs start-query
We can run log2curl to transform logs to cURL commands now:
log2curl --scheme "headers.scheme" --method "method" --host "host" --path "path" --headers-prefix "headers" --parameters-prefix "parameters" cloud-watch -q "4ffc3f36-2979-4558-88e8-dbe256d05d20"
Example response:
Loading default config...
Start to get query results...
Get query results successfully!
Start to generate CURL command...
Finished. Save file in: log2curl.1719928478.txt
log2curl will generate a txt file in your current directory:
$ ls | grep 'log2curl'
You can change the output by yourself:
log2curl -o ~/test.txt cloud-watch -q "4ffc3f36-2979-4558-88e8-dbe256d05d20"
Set patterns each time is annoying. We can generate a config file, and save our settings to config.
log2curl generate --config
Generate successfully
Generate default config to $HOME/.log2curl.json successfully
cat ~/.log2curl.json
"custom": {
"host": ""
"key": {
"headers_prefix": "headers",
"host": "host",
"method": "method",
"parameters_prefix": "parameters",
"path": "path",
"scheme": "scheme"
"whitelist_headers": [
vim ~/.log2curl.json
We could decide which fields could be used in cURL if we have multiple headers field in the log.
For example, if we have the log:
"method": "GET",
"headers.scheme": "https",
"host": "api.example.com",
"path": "/users",
"headers.Authorization": "Bearer abcdef12345",
"headers.User-Agent": "something...",
"headers.Version": "HTTP/1.1",
"headers.Content-Type": "application/json",
"parameters.user": "Lil Wayne",
"parameters.page": "1",
"parameters.per_page": "20"
But our cURL request just need Authorization & Content-Type, we can set whitelist_headers in ~/.log2curl.json
"whitelist_headers": [
log2curl --whitelist-headers "Authorization,Content-Type" cloud-watch -q "4ffc3f36-2979-4558-88e8-dbe256d05d20"
Sometimes we want to reproduce a Production log on Staging, we can replace host with custom.host
"custom": {
"host": "staging.example.com"
log2curl --custom-host "staging.example.com" cloud-watch -q "4ffc3f36-2979-4558-88e8-dbe256d05d20"
Sometimes, log2curl can't parse field or transform to cURL. The result will be printed invalid request
in the file.
curl -X GET https://example.com/v1/users/page=1&per_page=50 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer JzCfIfzMGo'
invalid request
invalid request
curl -X GET https://example.com/v1/items \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer Czx2341xa'
log2curl will use the default AWS credentials in your environment. If you want to use a specific profile, you can set the --profile
log2curl cloud-watch --profile "Tom" -q "4ffc3f36-2979-4558-88e8-dbe256d05d20"
Or you can set the environment variable AWS_PROFILE
to specify the profile.
That's supported by AWS SDK by default.
export AWS_PROFILE=Tom
log2curl doesn't support that region option with CLI. If you want to use a specific region, you can set the AWS_REGION
environment variable.
That's supported by AWS SDK by default.
export AWS_REGION=us-west-2
If you want to specify the credentials, you can set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
environment variables.
That's supported by AWS SDK by default.
- All fields become string after transforming to cURL.