Go package for iterating through a set of Who's On First documents stored in a GitHub repository, using the GitHub API.
Documentation for this package is incomplete and will be updated shortly.
package main
import (
_ "github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate-github/v2"
func main() {
emitter_uri := flag.String("emitter-uri", "githubapi://", "A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/emitter URI")
ctx := context.Background()
emitter_cb := func(ctx context.Context, path string, fh io.ReadSeeker, args ...interface{}) error {
log.Printf("Indexing %s\n", path)
return nil
iter, _ := iterator.NewIterator(ctx, *emitter_uri, cb)
uris := flag.Args()
iter.IterateURIs(ctx, uris...)
Error handling removed for the sake of brevity.
In addition to the default go-whosonfirst-iterate query parameters the following query parameters are supported:
Name | Value | Required | Notes |
access_token | String | Yes | A valid GitHub API access token |
branch | String | No | The branch to use when iterating the repository contents |
concurrent | Bool | No | If true iterate through documents concurrently. There is still a throttle on the number of API requests per second but this can speed things up significantly with the risk that you will still trigger GitHub API limits. |
You can also specify inline queries by appending one or more include
or exclude
parameters to a emitter.Emitter
URI, where the value is a string in the format of:
Paths follow the dot notation syntax used by the tidwall/gjson package and regular expressions are any valid Go language regular expression. Successful path lookups will be treated as a list of candidates and each candidate's string value will be tested against the regular expression's MatchString method.
For example:
You can pass multiple query parameters. For example:
The default query mode is to ensure that all queries match but you can also specify that only one or more queries need to match by appending a include_mode
or exclude_mode
parameter where the value is either "ANY" or "ALL".
$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -o bin/count cmd/count/main.go
go build -mod vendor -o bin/emit cmd/emit/main.go
Count files in one or more whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/emitter sources.
> ./bin/count -h
Count files in one or more whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/emitter sources.
./bin/count [options] uri(N) uri(N)
Valid options are:
-emitter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/emitter URI. Supported emitter URI schemes are: directory://,featurecollection://,file://,filelist://,geojsonl://,githubapi://,repo://
For example:
$> ./bin/count \
-emitter-uri 'githubapi://sfomuseum-data/sfomuseum-data-architecture?concurrent=1&access_token={TOKEN}' \
2021/03/02 13:06:08 time to index paths (1) 1m11.522679037s
2021/03/02 13:06:08 Counted 1077 records (1077) in 1m11.522714392s
$> ./bin/count \
-emitter-uri 'githubapi://sfomuseum-data/sfomuseum-data-architecture?concurrent=1&access_token={TOKEN}&include=properties.sfomuseum:placetype=museum' \
2021/03/02 13:35:25 time to index paths (1) 1m10.897179298s
2021/03/02 13:35:25 Counted 7 records (7) in 1m10.897222091s
Publish features from one or more whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index/v2/emitter sources.
> ./bin/emit -h
Publish features from one or more whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/emitter sources.
./bin/emit [options] uri(N) uri(N)
Valid options are:
-emitter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/emitter URI. Supported emitter URI schemes are: directory://,featurecollection://,file://,filelist://,geojsonl://,githubapi://,repo://
Emit features as a well-formed GeoJSON FeatureCollection record.
Emit features as a well-formed JSON array.
Publish features to /dev/null
Publish features to STDOUT. (default true)
For example:
$> ./bin/emit \
-emitter-uri 'githubapi://sfomuseum-data/sfomuseum-data-architecture?concurrent=1&access_token={TOKEN}&include=properties.sfomuseum:placetype=museum' \
-geojson \
| jq '.features[]["properties"]["wof:id"]'