Advanced JSON-logger for Yii2
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Add the following code to the repositories
section of your composer.json
"url": "",
"type": "git"
and the following line to the require
section of your composer.json
"white-miku/yii2-alogger": "*"
Then run composer update
Once the extension is installed, you can use it:
\whitemiku\alogger\Log::info('Text and {variable} to be logged as Info message', ['variable' => $variable]);
\whitemiku\alogger\Log::warning('Text and {variable} to be logged as Warning message', ['variable' => $variable]);
\whitemiku\alogger\Log::error('Text and {variable} to be logged as Error message', ['variable' => $variable]);
The messages will be logged with tag "System" and in JSON format:
{"text":"Text and {variable} to be logged as Info message,"data":{"type":"web","add":{"variable":"VARIABLE CONTENT"},"user":{"id":1,"login":"White Miku","ip":"USER's IP"},"url":"/index.php?r=controller%2Faction¶meter=1"}}