This is a small utility to assist in handling your I18n YAML files in a Ruby on Rails project.
$ gem install rails_locale_sorter
To create a patch, just provide input and output directories, and a "source of truth" locale that will be the template for the other languages.
$ locale_patch path/to/locales path/to/output en.yml
The output directory will now contain a list of YAML files containing missing translations.
Once the strings have been translated, they can be applied back into your project:
$ locale_apply path/to/translated_patches path/to/locales
The patching process also sorts the file's content alphabetically.
These commands default to "locales/", "new-locales/", and "en.yml". Meaning that all you need to do to run through the entire process is:
$ cd my_rails_app/config
$ locale_patch
$ locale_apply
Or use the handy, descriptive aliases:
$ cd my_rails_app/config
$ poop
$ scoop