Author: Jasper Palfree ([email protected])
Demo site showing off these modules:
- Implementation following the AMD pattern (eg: require.js)
- jQuery 1.7+
Orientation provides Javascript modules (following the AMD pattern) that allow you to easily monitor device orientation for browsers that support it.
This module is simply a facade to the deviceorientation implementations of webkit and mozilla.
Use the .subscribe(callback)
method to subscribe to events.
Callbacks are provided with 1 parameter (an object) containing:
- lr - Left Right tilt in degrees
- fb - Front Back tilt in degrees
- dir - Compass direction in degrees (support varies)
- grav - Vertical acceleration of device (support varies)
This module calculates the normalized projection of gravity along the device. In other words, if you placed a ball on top of your device and tilted it, this module would show you the components of acceleration of that ball relative to the device.
Again, use the .subscribe(callback)
method to subscribe to events.
Callbacks are provided with 2 parameters. The first containing:
- x - Projection of gravity along x axis (left to right is positive)
- y - Projection of gravity along y axis (top to bottom is positive)
- ang - Radial angle of gravity direction in RADIANS. ang = 0 is along positive x axis increasing towards positive y axis
- r - Radial magnitude of gravity. minimum: 0, maximum: 1
The second containing the device-orientation callback data.
gravity.subscribe(function( g, dir ){
console.log(g.x, g.y, g.r, g.ang);
console.log(, dir.fb, dir.dir);