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Documentation for pycomed

Organizing the dataset

In order to work with pycomed, your dataset needs to be specifically formatted following a schema used by pycomed to efficientely query all the data for you. Pycomed provides you with a specific class used to organize the dataset automatically for you. The organizer class needs two parameters: the input_path which is the path of the unorganized dataset and the output_path which is the folder in which your organized dataset files will be copied (currently pycomed copies the files and not moves them).


dataset_organizer ="My input path", output_path="My output path")

Reading the dataset

After the organizer has been setted up we need to attach it to the reader which is a class responsible of providing methods to query data from your dataset with ease.

dataset_reader =

The scan object

pycomed works with an internal object which has a base it's a Scan object that has different childs depeding on the scan type you are querying. For example pycomed has the DICOMScan which is the Scan object specifically created to manage DICOM files. Every time you read data with the reader you will get a list of scan objects that vary depeding on the type of the reader.

Getting all the scans

If you want to get all the scans of the dataset use the following code:

scans = dataset_reader.get_scans()

Getting scans via filter function

If you want more control on how the scans are filtered you can use the following code:

import pydicom

# The function will have as an argument the path of the scan and it must return true or false, where true tells
# the reader to keep that scan, otherwise it will skip it.
def filter_function(scan_path):
    scan = pydicom.dcmread(scan_path)
    return scan.SeriesNumber == 10

scans = dataset_reader.get_scans(filter_function)

Getting scans by patient name

If you want to get all the scans of a specific patient use the following code:

scans = dataset_reader.get_scans_by_patient_name("Patient name")

Getting scans by acquisition date

If you want to get all the scans acquiried between a date interval use the following code:

import datetime

# The date must be formatted following this schema.
from_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("xxxxyyzz", "%Y%m%d")
to_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("xxxxyyzz", "%Y%m%d")

scans = dataset_reader.get_scans_by_acquisition_date(from_date, to_date)

Getting scans by dimensions

If you want to get all the scans with specific dimensions use the following code:

width = 256
height = 256
depth = 30

scans = dataset_reader.get_scans_by_size(width, height, depth)


pycomed features built-in registration functions to perform registration on scans with ease. Currently pycomed uses the SimpleITK library to perform the registration and it is important to note that the result will be saved as a nifti file with .nii extension.

# Specify where the registered image will be saved.
REGISTERED_PATH = "/Volumes/SamsungT5/OPBG_Data/by_type/MB_REGISTERED"

# You can get the fixed image with the built-in method in the reader,
# otherwise you can choose which image you prefer.
fixed_image = dataset_reader.get_fixed_image("OPBG0001")

# Get the moving image.
moving_image = dataset_reader.get_scans()[0]

# Perform registration of the moving image on top of the fixed image.
# Note that only specific scan types support registration, in this case the MRI scans.
# The function returns the output path where the registered image is saved as nifti so you can
# read it on your own.
output_path = moving_image.perform_registration(fixed_image, REGISTERED_PATH)


pycomed is currently in development state, so you might encounter some bugs and missing features. Feel free to open issues if you have suggestions, improvements or bugs to report.


pycomed: PyDICOM Utils for BioMedical Image Data







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