- plugin-content-blog (official) - The default blog plugin.
- plugin-content-docs (official) - The default docs plugin.
- plugin-content-pages (official) - The default pages plugin.
- docusaurus-plugin-content-gists - Content plugin for displaying your GitHub gists.
- docusaurus-graphql-plugin - Generate Markdown documentation from a GraphQL schema.
- docusaurus-plugin-remote-content - Download content from remote sources.
- docusaurus-openapi-docs - Genertate Markdown documentation from an OpenAPI specification.
- plugin-ideal-image (official) - Responsive images with lazy-loading.
- docusaurus-plugin-image-zoom - Easily integrate
- docusaurus-plugin-lunr - Create search index for use with Lunr.js.
- docusaurus-search-local - Offline / local search that works behind your firewall.
- docusaurus-plugin-auto-sidebars - Automatically generate sidebars from Markdown files.
- plugin-sitemap (official) - Generate a sitemap.xml file for search engines.
- plugin-google-analytics (official) - The default Google Analytics (GA) plugin.
- plugin-google-gtag (official) - The default Global Site Tag (gtag.js) plugin.
- docusaurus-gtm-plugin - Google Tag Manager (GTM) plugin.
- docusaurus-plugin-matomo - Matomo Analytics plugin.
- plugin-debug (official) - Display useful debug information for plugin authors.
- plugin-pwa (official) - PWA support using Workbox.
- docusaurus-plugin-typedoc-api - Source code API documentation powered by TypeDoc.
- theme-classic (official) - The default theme.
- theme-live-codeblock (official) - A theme for live code blocks.
- theme-search-algolia (official) - Algolia search component.
- docusaurus-theme-search-typesense - Typesense search component.
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.