Transpile .scss files, apply postcss plugins if defined and wrap the styles inside template literal string and export as ESM.
npm i -g|-D @web-ui/scss-to-esmodule
scss-to-esmodule [-f|--files="src/**/*.scss"] [OPTIONS] [-i|--ignore="['src/ignore-dir/**']"] [-m|--module-type="ts|js"] [--watch|-w] [--sourcemaps|-s] [--template|-t]
-f, --files File path/glob pattern [string]
-i, --ignore ignore files/folders [array]
-m, --module-type Output module type[ts|js], defaults to js [string]
-s, --sourcemaps Generate sourcemaps [boolean]
-w, --watch Watch files for changes and recompile as needed [boolean]
-t,--template Esmodule created with lit-element `css` tagged template, defaults to native [string]
scss-to-esmodule -f="input.scss" Basic usage
scss-to-esmodule -f="src/**/*.scss" -i="['src/ignore-dir/**']" Glob Pattern & ignore specific folders
scss-to-esmodule -f="input.scss" -m="ts" Module type as TS, defaults to JS
scss-to-esmodule -f="input.scss" -s Sourcemaps enabled
scss-to-esmodule -f="input.scss" -w Watch for file changes
scss-to-esmodule -f="input.scss" -t='lit Esmodule created with lit-element `css` tagged template
Note: if styles module imported as tagged template literal to embed inside shadowDOM, source maps won't work.