Battleship Game
- This is a game which contains two players, and there are also possibilities to play with the computer as being the 1st. player who places ships.
- the player chooses the initial information (coordinates) of his ships
There are 3 types of formations to place the ship grid is printed and the user must choose
In the case of a computer it randomly selects the location where the player's next shot will be taken. (coordinates in GREC)
When the enemy hits the player, the user must enter the coordinates of the shot by manipulating the arrows of his keyboard
The game begins with each player trying to guess the location of the ships the opponent's game board; [each vessel character] touches and [X] is missing .
The first player who guessed the location of all the ships wins, but who also depends on each level...
- level 1 there is a decrease in the score with 1 on the point
- level 2 there is the intervention of time in this case the constraint of the tamps is: 10 (S)
- level 3 there is the intervention of time in this case the time constraint and the score constraint with the score a 6 points